While the olders tried out their bikes, the two youngest had their own fun. More or less, as Wooyoung didn't really want to play with Jongho but chase after Yeosang and try to crash him over with his Bobby Car. So, Jongho tried his best in getting his attention.

"Uuyoungie~" Jongho bumped his red Bobby Car in Wooyoung's green one. "Play bumping cars!"


"Ahh! Hurt! Hurt! Hurt"

"I know bunny, I know! But I need to clean it up" Seonghwa said, cleaning the little wound on Jongho's knee.

The littlest one had fallen off from his Bobby car while playing with Wooyoung and scratched his knee. It wasn't a big wound, it was just bleeding a little bit and there were one or two little pebbles.

"Ahhh!" he whined when Seonghwa picked up the tweezer. "No! Mhm!"

"But bunny, I need to" he replied with a pained expression himself "be strong for Papa just for a second, ah? It won't hurt at all! And after this we will eat ice cream, okay bunny?"

Jongho bit his lips and looked away, nodding. The boy gripped his sleeves and pinched shut his eyes, getting ready to feel the pain. Jongho felt the tweezer on his open wound, digging to get out the pebbles, he cried out but stood through it. Aftey they were removed, his father cleaned his wound a last time and bandaged it fast to finish it already. "Jongie big boy?"

"Oh Jongie biggest boy!" Seonghwa replied, kissing his littlest one on the cheeks. "You're so brave, Jongie. Look it's all done. Well done!" he praised him, lifting him up in his arms. Only then he realized how much heavier he had become. He hadn't lifted him in a long while, having him in his arm now reminded him how time never stopped. It passed, it didn't wait for him.

He couldn't keep pretending time had stopped for him. He had to get back, he couldn't miss more than he had.


He had gotten ready to sleep, was changed, brushed his teeth and laid in his bed, desperately awaiting his sleep. But it didn't want to hit him, he was wide awake. Something Seonghwa couldn't describe was keeping him awake again. He turned and turned in the bed, sat up, laid back down, nothing helped. At some point he got tired of it, so he stood up, grabbed his robe as it was still chilly at night, and left the bedroom.

When he stepped into the corridor, he saw light unter the door at the opposite side. His brows knitted.

At the other end of the corridor was Hongjoong's office. In there was much as everything. Walking in that room was like walking into his mind. Seonghwa wasn't even allowed to clean up in there, Hongjoong wanted to do taht by himself. The office was his sacred place, he composed, arranged, wrote in there. He got all his ideas and inspirations from there. Yes, that room was indeed sacred.

Slowly, he approached the office. It was an unholy hour, his husband should be sleeping already. When he reached the door, he carefully opened it, quietly setting feet in the room. Hongjoong was sitting at his desk, headphones on, he was writing. Seonghwa hadn't seen him write since the break, it has been a year. Looking at Hongjoong like that awakened something in the older man. He had missed that sight, he had missed his man. No matter how broken he felt, he couldn't without him. In the end they were bound together through more than just marriage. They were so much more at the same time.

Carefully Seonghwa made his way to Hongjoong. He turned around the office chair, looked at Hongjoong's tired but shocked eyes for a second before he decided to sit on his lap, hugging him as tight as he could. Hongjoong didn't complain, hugged him just as strong back. He leaned back in his seat, bending the back of the office chair so that Seonghwa was basically laying on him. They stayed like that for  a silent second.

"I love you"

Hey! How are you?

Ahh y'all how are we feeling after the last chapter?😗✌️

Yall see why I don't write sad shit often?

I promise, we gonn do a lot of fluff and wholesomeness from now on, I think we all need it😃

Sooo, lemme rant a little, yall can skip this if you want to

So, to the bitch who called me a spicy straight, fuck you and your biphobia. No, I'm also not a lesbian with internalized homophopia, fuck you.

If I see one more person call a bi person a spicy straight or gay with internalized homophopia I will snap and break the ✨niko-niko-knee caps✨


Please stay healthy and safe!


ateez family auOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz