The Final Battle

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Zach: "Drake?"

Drake: "Zach!"

(Hugs each other)

Alex: "Aww, brothers united."

The Twins: "SHUT UP ALEX."

Jade: "Guys, we have to get out of here now, there are bugs coming towards us."

(Jade pointed behind them)

Waneta: "Hop on my back, I can take you out faster."

(Waneta shape shifted into a large falcon)

Drake: "We'll ride on you."

Light: "Wait, what about Jaxx?"

Waneta: "There's no turning back, cause if we do that, we'll die."

(Light sighs in despair)

Waneta: "C'mon, we're gonna be late!"

(Light climbs on top of Waneta)

Waneta: "Alright, here we go!"

(Flies at the speed of lightning)

Light: "We're going too fast!"

Waneta: "You want me to go slower?"

Light: "No, its just that I feel like I wanna puke."

Waneta: "Don't you dare puke on my wing!"

(Waneta flies faster cause the spiders are going faster)

(A spider bites Light)

Light: "Ahhhhhhhhhhh"

Alex: "Hang on, I got a first aid kit!"

(Alex puts a bandage on the wound)

Light: "Thanks, Alex."

Alex: "Not a problem."

Waneta: "Guys, we're going up!"

(Flies up to the sky, the squad almost loose grip but still held on)

Light: "Yikes, I think I gotta puke."

(Light pukes XD)

Alex: "Light, get a room >:("

Waneta: "Guys, no time for that now, we have to avoid the archers."

Drake's POV

We saw archers below with Berserker leading them. We also saw Charli behind Berserker, holding a knife. "Now!" he cried and the archers shoot towards us. Arrows filled the air, but as fast as lightning Waneta dodged them all. I must admit, Waneta is a speedy flyer, but trouble doesn't end there. Waneta got shout by one of the arrows, causing her wing to be injured and she fell to the ground. Waneta was paralyzed and stuck. "What are we gonna do now?" I asked the others. "Ummm guys.." said Zach pointing behind us. Charli was riding some mythical beast with two heads, one was a wolf and one was a fox. It growled at us with its gnashing teeth. "Hello, squad." said Charli with this look that kinda looks like Maleficent. The creature came closer towards us trying to bite. "What do you want with us?" asked Zach. "Revenge!" she screamed, "Alex never allowed me to join the squad, saying six people are enough, what a peasant. Then another member came through. What a lie! It's supposed to be me!". "Charli calm down, we can talk this through." said Alex. "I'm sorry I said that you couldn't join the squad, I knew that your parents were moving and that's why I said no, I didn't want to hurt your feelings!". "Then why did you say no when I returned?" she asked in a louder tone. "Cause I was afraid, you see you remember Luna?" Alex asked her. "Luna?" Charli asked, "Yes I remember her, why?".

Alex: "She asked me first before you and told me that you weren't a good person!"

Charli: "Why would she do that?"

Alex: "She turned against us, Charli! I only knew until just now!"

Drake: "Alex, what do you mean just now?"

Zach: "Drake, I think it's time you know the truth.."

Drake: "What do you mean, brother?"

Alex: "Listen, Drake. Luna was not what she seems"

Drake: "What are you talking about..."

Alex: "This happened when we were looking for you in the hole just now..."


Zach: "Where do you think they could be?"

Alex: "I'm not sure, but we're gonna find out."

Light: "I miss Jaxx, I shouldn't have said that to him."

Zach: "Don't say that, it's his own fault that you're not together with him anymore!"

Alex: "ZACH!"

Zach: "Sorry.."

Light: "It's just that I didn't wanna go to far, I didn't mean it."

Zach: "Light, you're his best friend, I'm sure he knows you didn't mean it."

Light: "Yeah, you're right.."

Alex: "Guys, look at this!"

Zach: "What is it?"

Alex POV

We found a large map, no not map a blueprint looking thing. It looked like some sorta plan chart. It did say that Charli was the host and we saw everything about Knorul, the land of Mysticlandia, and a prophecy? This doesn't make any sense. Then we found a couple of files in a drawer. "Hey, guys. Look at this!" said Zach as he found something. It was everything about, Luna? She was an old squad member that got killed a couple of years ago before Charli started begging me again. Luna was...

Hey guys~ Sorry if this chapter doesn't make any sense! I have no idea what I'm writing XD. Anyways I hope you enjoy this chapter cause I will probably write one or two more chapters to finish this book. Thank you guys for your support!

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