The Truth

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Light's POV

"I don't know what you're talking about." said Jaxx. Then suddenly a loud screech came from outside the cave. It was Konrul, landing on the entrance. "Jaxx, tell them the truth." said Konrul. "Fine! I never wanted this to happen Light! I love you, but that man Zach told you about was working for Charli! He knew about me and since we escaped from the prison, he has been speaking to me from my mind! He told me to meet me near this cave and will give me reward if I brought him to you, I didn't want this to happen Light, I swear, I didn't want to die either, so I didn't have a choice!". "You don't have a choice, do you?" I asked him angrily, "So you chose some reward over your own love?". "I swear, Light. I didn't want this to happen...", then I slapped him. Yeah, that's right, I slapped my own boyfriend with anger and hatred. "I HATE YOU!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. That's when we saw it, Konrul flew away, his feathers turned to black and he flew through the night sky, and disappeared. "Now look what u did!" screamed Jaxx, he went to his bed and lied down ignoring me. "Light, stop being mad at Jaxx. Just forgive him." Zach told me. "How can I? I can't believe he would do that to me!". "Just forgive him this time." said Drake patting my back. It was so hard to forgive him, cause he really betrayed me. I felt awful.

Alex's POV

Me and Jade tried to talk to Jaxx. He was really upset of what Light said to him. "Just leave me alone girls, its fine by me." said Jaxx. I noticed some sniffling noise coming from him. I knew he was crying, so we tried to comfort him. "I'd rather be alone, girls, please." said Jaxx, covering himself with leaves. "I brought hot chocolate if you want." I told him, handing him a cup. "Thanks, Alex. You didn't have to.". "Not a problem, Jade made the hot coco herself.". "Thanks, Jade." Jaxx responded to Jade. Then suddenly, Jaxx was shocked of something. "Jaxx, are you ok?" I asked him. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine." said Jaxx. He laid back down to sleep. We decided to leave him alone. Jaxx made a creepy smile that made me act suspicious towards him.

Drake's POV

I saw Jade sitting down back at her bed. I decided to accompany her. She seemed to be checking her phone, giggling. "Whatcha looking at, cutie." I asked her. She blushed and said, "I didn't know you posted videos of when you were shirtless." said Jade and showed it to me. This was embarrassing! She saw when I danced in my room alone, since I shared my profile only to her (I'm sorry, but I've never used tik tok before).  Jade laughed at a bunch of other tik toks. Her laugh makes me smile and her beauty makes my heart pound. I wish we were at home now and we could have sex together in the bed. "Drake what are you staring at?" asked Jade as she knew I was staring at her. "Uhmmm, nothing." I tried to lie. Then she pulled my face to hers and we kissed. Her lips are so soft and sweet. Jaxx saw us kissing and put this evil kind of face that villains make when their jealous. I didn't like that look, so I asked Zach, "Why is Jaxx looking at us like he's jealous?". "I'm not!" screamed Jaxx. He turned his back at me, grumpily. I think he's still mad that Light broke up with him. "Jade?" I asked her. "Yes Drake?" she responded with her beautiful voice. "Will you still love me when I did what Jaxx did, cause what he did was just unforgivable." I asked her. She smiled to me and said, "Of course I'll still love you, even though you made such a horrible mistake. You are my world, Drake.". She kissed me back with those soft lips and laid on top of me.

Hey, guys. I've seen that Drade ship is popular these days, so I made a Drade part. Anyways, if you hate me cause I ruined the Liaxx ship, I'm so sorry, but I have no other Idea. Anyway, we almost reach 300 views! Thank you guys so much!

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