Where Light and Jaxx are now

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(The bird swooped down towards us and landed right in front of us. It opened its wings and showed such a beautiful pattern on its wings. We were amazed by its beauty. "You have come in an unsafe place." said the phoenix and it flew away. We were confused of what it meant, but then suddenly we knew. We saw tiny little snake coming from the trees and had hissing noises. Suddenly, the rest of the squad, except Jaxx fell asleep. (The squad were talking at the campfire, except for Light and Jaxx) "Why are they asleep suddenly?" asked Light. "I'm not sure, but we gotta run" said Jaxx pointing at the snakes. They were coming towards us with sharp fangs. We ran as fast as we could into the forest. "We might get lost, let's turn back!" I said to Jaxx. "But if we turn back, the snakes will get us! We'll find a way to lose them and get back with the squad.")

In the morning with Light and Jaxx

Light's POV

I woke up, sleeping in Jaxx's arms, waking up in the middle of the woods. Then I totally forgot that we only have two days left to get to Runard! "Jaxx, get up, quickly!" I whisper scream at him. "Ok, ok I'm up..." he said tiredly. We saw from afar a cliff that might help us get a better view. "I'll go there for a while." I said to him. I ran and ran and ran and ran, till I reached the cliff. We were in a beautiful valley of dragons. Blue, yellow, purple, red, and much more colors filled the air. It was a beautiful sight and I quickly told Jaxx to come here. "Wow... I'm speechless" said Jaxx, with his knees on the ground. Then he pointed at something. "What is it, Jaxx?" I asked him. "WATERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!" he cried, running down the cliff and into the valley. "JAXX! WAIT!" I cried, running towards him. Suddenly, something blocked our path. A huge dragon with a beard on its chin came in front of us and showed its razor sharp claws. "Who are you and what are you doing here?!?!" boomed the dragon. "We come in peace!" Jaxx said putting his hands up. The dragon didn't seem to believe us. "We swear we have no weapons in our hands, pockets, or luggage." I said trying to sound brave. The dragon flew above us and picked up our bags. "Wait, don't..." Jaxx wanted to finish his words, but the dragon is already scuffing down our bags, picking out everything. Thankfully, we don't have weapons, but we did have a lot of food and drinks that we need and the dragon ate it all. "That was our food.." I said. "Well, I'm hungry in the moment, so I'm sure you don't mind." said the dragon. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!?!" said Jaxx, "THAT WAS OUR ENTIRE SUPPLY!!!!!". "So what? You can survive without food, just need water." said the dragon, still scuffing down our food. "You drank it all." said Jaxx, crossing his arms. "No, I didn't." said the dragon. He put out some of our water bottles that are still full. "Thanks, but who are you?" I asked the dragon with a sweet voice, not trying to anger the dragon. "I'm Tatsu, king of the dragons of life, we guard the ancient stone of nature." said the dragon. "Well, your majesty, I'm Light and this is Jaxx." I said, pointing at Jaxx. "You are welcome in our land, because you have proven you have no weapons." said Tatsu. He told us to go on his back and lead us to a giant cave in the valley. "This is the council of the dragons of life." said Tatsu, pointing at a group of dragons sitting down around a large table with a giant stone in the middle. "And this is the stone of nature, it that protects this valley." he said again pointing at the stone on the top of table. "If we find out you will steal the stone, you will never be welcomed here again." siad Tatsu, leading them out of the cave. "I wish the squad was all back together." I said to Jaxx. "Me too..."

Heyya, peeps! Part 8 is coming soon! Oh yeah, I decided to do a shout out on the next part! Please comment down below!

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