The Accident that Led to Beauty

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Drake: "Jade, hurry up! We're gonna be late!"

Jade: "Sorry, Drake. I can't find my hoodie!"

Drake: "Here it is, Jade. Now hurry!"

Jade: "Thanks, Drake."

Jade's POV

We were such in a hurry. I grabbed my hoodie and wore it as fast as possible. Drake and the others are waiting outside. "C'mon, Jade. Hurry!" Alex shouted. "I'm coming, I'm coming." I said quickly. We all went into the car and drove off. "Hey guys, its Alex.""And Zach.""And Drake""And we're the twins!""And I'm Jade""And I'm Jaxx""And I'm Light". Alex explained through YouTube that we were on a short hiking trip to the mountains. We drove and ate snacks in the car. Alex asked us if we have everything. Then suddenly when Zach checked his bag, he yelled,"There's a snake in my bag!". "What?" shouted Alex. "No, just kidding princess." Zach chuckled. Alex groaned at Zach and told him to not do that again. I laughed at the joke since my brother often did that when we were young. I miss him... he was the best brother in the world. He died when my parents were sick. In the end, I had to find a new home cause my parents had a contagious disease. Thankfully, Alex and Zach made room for me in the squad. Suddenly, we bumped into something. "What happened?" I asked worriedly. "We were on our way to the mountains, till Jaxx purposely bumped to a rock.". "I wouldn't have known there was a rock in front of when you had eyes on the road Zach! You know I was grabbing my cheetos!", shouted Jaxx. Those two really often argue. Kinda hate it hearing their loud voices. "So now what? We can't be stuck in here forever!", said Alex. She stopped recording and checked the whole car. Everyone was safe, no one hurt.

Jaxx's POV

I'm still mad at Zach cause I need to grab my things and he could've warned me earlier. We do fight a lot, but sometimes we just handle it ourselves and have small conversations to forget what we just fought about. Most of the time, Alex broke up the fight. As Alex checked if everything is ok, Light held my hand and said, "I'm scared,". "Me too." I said to him, at the same time trying to hug him. Alex shouted, "The coast is clear. Get out of the car.". We all did and saw a beautiful forest in front of us. Green trees, blue birds, and clear white clouds. I still held Light's hand since I didn't wanna let go of him. Alex said,"Let's follow this path! Maybe there is a village or a house somewhere.". We all agreed and Alex led the way. It was a long walk till we had to take a break. There was a small river nearby. Light stared at the river and said,"I think I've been here, I just forgot when.". I told him,"Try to remember.". Alex finally said,"Ok squad, lets continue the trail!". We walked, and walked, and walked. Till something amazing happened. We found a hug waterfall surrounded with magnificent birds in the sky. "Wow, this place is magnificent!" cried Drake. The birds had various colors, red, blue, yellow, even rainbow colors in one bird. "I think we should stay here for a while, cause we have nowhere else to go.", said Alex. We stayed by the huge rock near the waterfall and admired the birds flying. Light pointed at one bird that had a mark of a star and was flying above the two of them. "Its beautiful." said Light. "Just like you." I answered him. He blushed and hit his elbow on me. Alex said, "Hey one bird is coming at us!". The bird had golden shining feathers and four wings. It also had a crown on his head and a ruby on his chest. "Welcome, strangers. What brings you to our land?" it said. The bird could talk!

Hey guys! If this starts to get too childish for you, I'm sorry. I'm trying to get different ideas from other Inquisitormaster stories. You can stop reading if you want to. I'm not forcing you.

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