The Diamond Path and The Tribe People

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Before you read this, I'm sorry, but I cannot find a better image than the one above, please forgive me peeps.

Jade's POV

"What, you haven't seen a bird talk before?" said the bird. me and my friends were shocked and speechless. "Well, aren't you gonna introduce yourselves?". "Sorry." said Drake,"We are the squad and we got lost in these woods.". "Well lucky you, you have an expert tour guide like me!" said the bird. "My name is Quadro and I am an Eaglit, a type of mystical bird. I am the eldest of the eaglits and also wisest.". "We came here to look for a way out, since we got lost. Can you help us?" asked Jaxx. "Of course, just tell me where you live!" said Quadro. "We live in Willow city loop, Texas.". "Oh, that I cannot help you." said Quadro. "You see, that is a far place from here, I cannot help you, but I know who can.". "WHO?" I quickly asked the bird, cause I really want to go home. "Runard, the king of us all. He lives on the top peak of that mountain over there", Quadro pointing his feather at a mountain in the far distance. The mountain was very far away. "You must hurry, cause Runard sleeps for  at the dusk of the first moon, which is three day from now. He sleeps until the time comes for  him to make the roar of glory, human will die hearing that roar.". "What creature is Runard?" asked Zach. "You will have to see for yourself, now go!" said Quadro, flying away. We had to hurry or else we'll die. "Let's move." said Zach, leading the way. We went away from the waterfall and followed a diamond path. It was a rocky diamond path and most of us tripped on the way.

Drake's POV

On the way, we had to take a short break from all the tripping. Most of us have bruises on our knees. Thankfully, Alex brought a first aid kit. Suddenly we started to hear loud noises coming from behind us. There was a pack of weird looking tribe people coming at us. They were short, wearing weird masks, and didn't look happy. "Guys, we gotta go!" cried Jade. We ran as fast as we could, but the diamond path was in our way and started to crumble. "Guys, run faster!" I cried. Jade was far behind us, so I quickly ran back for her and put her on my back. "Come on, hurry!" cried Alex. I ran as fast as I could, but the tribe man were faster. Luckily for us, we were almost at the end of the path and the crack made all the tribe men fell. "Who were those people?" asked Zach. "I'm not sure." I said and put Jade down. "Thanks for saving me Drake." said Jade with a cute smile. "No problem, cutie." I said to her.

No one's POV

All except for Jade and Drake: "Shiiiiiiiip!"

Drade: "Shut up!"

Jaxx: "Come one, we must be on our way again!"

Light: "Jaxx's right, let's go!"

Light's POV

We walked again for a long time. We crossed many beautiful things though, a beautiful flower garden, Where there was a giant flower with glitter all over it, even some shining rivers with fresh water. One weird thing as that me and Jaxx always see the same purple bird in the sky. We asked the squad if they saw the bird, but they said no. The first night came, and we're not even halfway to the mountain. We stayed in a forest with pink trees. Jaxx sat with me on a rock, gazing at the stars. We saw the same purple bird, glowing bluish color now. "Why that bird always appeared in front of us?" I asked Jaxx. "Not sure why.. but it comes every time we hold hands or show love for each other." said Jaxx. I nodded, that bird did came every time we showed love.

(Btw this is what the bird looks like)

Hey guys! I need to tell you that I won't be writing this very often, but I will try my best

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Hey guys! I need to tell you that I won't be writing this very often, but I will try my best. I have a lot of homework lately so I have to work on it :( Anyways, I hope you enjoy the story so far!

The Squad and the Paradise of MysticlandiaDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora