Wait, What?

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How did that happen? I don't know, but it felt like someone was controlling my body.

Drake's POV

I was running, and running and running, till something stopped me. Behind me I saw Jaxx managed to dodge the rocks too. "Get back with us, or you'll die." said Jaxx. "Jaxx, let Drake save his girlfriend!" screamed Light. "Light's right, Jaxx. Let me handle this or three squad members die." I told him. Too bad Jaxx is a stubborn person. He pushed me between rocks and the rest of the squad were in the other side.

Alex's POV

"Drake, no!" I cried. Our close friend was in the other side with two other squad members. "We have to get in there!" screamed Zach. He tried to scrap the stones appart, but the stones were to powerful. "Just accept it, Zach. They're gone." I told him. "No! He can't be gone. He's my brother, he knows what he's doing." said Zach still scraping the stones. "We have to find another way in." said Light picking up something from his bag. "I got pickaxes, just in case. Where should we mine?". "Here!" I told him as I pointed at a thin layer. We mined till we could see the shed from a layer. "C'mon, mine faster!" said Zach. He must've really missed his brother.

Drake's POV

I woke up somewhere I don't know, tied up. I was tied up in a chair in the center of  a room. "Hello, Drake." I recognize that voice. I turned to see Jaxx with a glee. "What is the meaning of this?" I cried to him. "You used to be one of us, what happened to you?" I asked him again, cause it was unbelievable. He betrayed us, but why? "Well why should I tell you? You knew it yourself." said Jaxx. "Why?" I asked curiously. "You see, he is corrupted with dark energy and doesn't remember you as his friends anymore." Berserker appeared to the scene. "Berserker!" I cried. "What did you do to Jaxx? Change him back at once!". "Why should I?" asked Berserker, "You were a fool to let Jaxx alone in those days. You're gonna do that again.". "We didn't! He didn't want to be disturbed! So we left him those days!" I screamed at him. "Hmph, well still I'm not letting him back to you cause we need him for something." said Berserker. "And what is that?" I asked him. "Hehehe, you'll see." Berserker left the room and went back talking to Waneta. Jaxx came closer to me. "Jaxx, what happened with all of the being friends and gay love thingy?" trying to take his memories back. "That's not important anymore.." said Jaxx pulling out a knife. "Please tell me why you have a knife in your hand..." I suddenly sound scared. "Well you see because of Light, Konrul is dead and there will be no more love in this land so unless I kill one human here and now, the land of Mysticlandia will be destroyed.". "YOU'RE A TRAITOR." I screamed at him. "I don't care." he said. He swing his knife in the air and then suddenly, someone hit him. I saw Waneta with a bat in her hands. "C'mon, let's get u outta here." she said to me pulling out her pocket knife and cut the ropes stuck in my hand. "Why are you helping me?" I asked her. "Cause my boss has grown so bossy around me and doesn't let me do what I want, plus you deserve better then being tied here with a rope." said Waneta pulling me up the chair. "Let's free you girlfriend." said Waneta. I followed her down a long hallway and found a secret room, where I found Jade. "Jade, you're here!" I cried and hugged her. "Drake we need to get out of here now and warn the others about the attack" said Jade getting up. "What attack?" I asked her. "Well you see, my ex-boss is planning an attack when you reach the peak, so you couldn't get to Runard, but we must hurry now, find your friends!" Waneta screamed as she pointed at the hallway they just passed. Spiders filled the walls, black and red. "We must run now!" I screamed untul we bumped into someone....

Sorry this chapter is long, and sorry that I decided to continue this book (for those who wanted the new book). Another thing I'm sorry about is that I haven't posted yesterday. I'm terribly sorry, but I was really tired yesterday. Also thanks so much for 300 views. Let's try to reach 800!

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