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Jade's POV

We left in the morning, continuing our trail. We were almost at Runard, just that we we're without Konrul. Light and Jaxx have not been talking to each other lately. I understand that they need a break from each other. "Jade are you ok?" asked Drake as he saw me staring at those two. "Yeah, I'm fine." I told him. "Jade, I know something's worrying you, what's wrong?" he asked again. "Ok, you got me. I'm just worried about Jaxx and Light. What if they never make it up." I asked him. The squad was kinda silent without them talking. "Hey, Jade. Everything's gonna be alright. When we get home, I'll promise you one thing, that things will go back to the things they were." Drake said holding my hand.

Jade: "I love you so much."

Drake: "I love you too."


Zach: "Ok, lovebirds. Keep moving."

Jaxx: "Yeah, kissing in the mountain is disgusting."

Alex: "Hey, Jaxx. Don't say that."

Jaxx: "Or what?"

Drake: "Or I have to hit you."

Jaxx: "Oh, it's overprotective boyfriend."

Drake: "Shut up, Jaxx"

(Both starts fighting)

Light: "You guys, stop! You might cause another avalanche."

Jaxx: "Light's right. Shut up Drake."

Drake: "Ugh whatever."

Jade: "Guys, I just saw a shadowy figure up there."

(She point at the top of the mountain.)

Jade: "Well, we have to find out what that was."

Drake: "Jade, wait."

(Jade fell in a hole)

Drake: "Jade!"

Zach: "Great, now my brother's girlfriend is down there."

Jaxx: "Whatcha gonna do about it, Drake?"

Drake: "Shut up, Jaxx! We have to go down there."

Jaxx: "Or what?"

Drake: "Or we don't leave at all!"

Zach: "Drake, don't shout."

Alex: "Alright, who's going in first."

Drake: "I'll do it."

(Drake drops down the hole with a rope on his waist)

Drake: "We're ready to go!"

(Rest of the squad goes down)

Jaxx: "Where are we."

Alex: "In a cave, with nowhere to go."

???: "Are you sure about this?"

Alex: "Who was that?"

Drake: "Idk, but let's check out."

(Walks and found a girl with wolf ears and tail)

Jade: "Let me go!"

???: "Unfortunately, I can't. My boss says I can't let you go."

Jade: "Who is your boss?"

???: "That would be me..."

Drake's POV

We turned to see the man Zach talked to us about yesterday. He did have a short beard and long hair.

Jade: "What's your name?"

Berserker: "I'm berserker, king of all shape shifters. This is my assistant, Waneta."

(Waneta raise her hand)

Jade: "Look, I don't care who you are, but let me go."

Waneta: "No can do."

Berserker: "She's right. I need you for something. Konrul was wrong, Jaxx and Light weren't the chosen ones."

Jade: "Then who?"

Berserker: "You'll find out yourself."

(Berserker brings Jade to a room)

Drake: "We have to free her!"

Zach: "How? Berserker is a shapeshifter!"

Jaxx: "I'll handle this."

Light: "How do you know you can handle this? We just realize we're not the chosen one!"

Jaxx: "Then why, did Konrul appear only to us?"

Light: "I don't know... but he's dead now"

Jaxx: "How do you know he's dead?"

Light: "I just know ok?"

Berserker: "WHO SPEAKS IN HERE?"

(The squad remains quiet)

Zach's POV

This is bad. Berserker is coming to get us. He heard us with his own voice. Berserker moved his muscly muscles and went to our direction. "Guys, stay quiet." I told them. Berserker then found us. He went wild and shape shifted into a snake. "Snake, aaaahh!" cried Alex. Snakes are one of her worst fears. I tried to hit the snake with a stick I found and the snake shape shifted back into Berserker. "How dare you challenge Berserker!" he cried. he put out the loudest roar we ever heard.  The cave started to crumble and Berserker went into a small shed locking the door. "We have to get out of here!" I cried. "But Jade..." Drake wanted to go back in there. "Drake, it's too dangerous, get out!" Jaxx cried. I didn't listen to him. As fast as lightning I went after Jade and dodged all the rocks. How did that happen? I don't know, but it felt like someone was controlling my body.

Heyyo, cliffhanger here! I love you guys so much, so I'll try to make as much chapters as possible. Thank you guys so much.

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