41 - Graduation

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It was a few hours prior to the graduation ceremony and I was trembling with excitement as well as fear and nervousness. It was time for me to get myself ready.

Nari and Hyerim came over to my house so we could all get ready together. My room was smaller than my previous room so it felt really crowded but, something about that was comforting.

Hyerim was standing in the washroom with the door wide open as she straightened her wavy hair and swayed her hips every now and then to the music playing out of Nari's speaker. Nari was painting her nails a pretty pink to match her dress, sitting on the floor quietly focused. And finally, I was applying my makeup.

The mood in the room was exciting. Undoubtedly, we all felt the same but we were freely singing along to the music every now and then and talking to each other from our own stations.

"Hey, do you guys think Mr.Park will actually come today?" Hyerim asked from the washroom.

My hand that was patting my face with a make up sponge froze. I had almost forgotten about that due to my overwhelming feelings about graduating.

"Hmm, I don't know. I think he might," Nari replied, blowing on her painted nails to help them dry quicker.

I unfroze and continued blending in the foundation. "I don't think so," I chimed in.

"50-50, huh." Hyerim unplugged the flat iron and stepped out of the washroom.
"It would be nice if he came,"

I sighed. Yeah, it would.

Nari looked at Hyerim and squealed. "What the heck are you so pretty for?"

Hyerim flipped her hair with pink cheeks and a wide smile. "Stopp~"

I glanced at Hyerim and nodded in agreement. "You look amazing." I said.

"You guys look amazing too and you're not even fully ready yet," She complimented back.

»»————- ♡ ————-««

In about 1 and a half hour, the girls and I were ready.

Nari wore a stunning light pink dress that dropped down to her knees and hugged her body perfectly, Hyerim wore an empire waisted emerald green dress that made her light skin tone and dark hair pop, and I wore a royal blue dress dress with long lantern sleeves that fell down to just below my knees.

My mom took pictures of the three of us, also dolled up. I'm not sure how many times mom hugged and kissed me that day but it was a lot. It's not like I was leaving home for university.

We walked into the school, grabbed our black graduation gowns and caps and put them on over our dresses. The nerves in my body were going crazy as every minute passed. Subconsciously, I would look around, searching for one person.

"Hey, you guys go ahead. I'm gonna go to washroom," I said, letting go of my friends' hands.

"We can come with you," Nari offered.

"No, that's okay. I'll be out in a few minutes. Go ahead without me, I'll catch up." I insisted with a reassuring smile.

They pouted. "You're sure?"

I nodded affirmatively and they hesitantly walked down the hallway, leaving behind the faint echoes of their heels clicking on the floor.

I entered the washroom and stared at myself in the mirror, letting out a deep breath. I didn't expect to be this nervous. I felt emotional. Part of me really didn't want to leave.

"The Graduation Ceremony will be starting shortly. We ask all seniors and guests to make their way to the football field." The secretary said over the P.A system.

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