2 - Awkwardness

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"Jungkook? Why aren't you in class." I questioned, crossing my arms.

"I watched Mean Girls like a hundred times! Why are you out here?" He reasoned. I noticed his facial expression change slightly as he realized that he confessed to watching Mean Girls "like a hundred times".

"Washroom." I said, choosing not to comment on his confession.

"Oh, I'll walk you."

"I— Okay, sure." I shrugged and walked with him.

Jungkook's rowdy group of athletic friends were casually hanging around the corner. Here's the thing about Kook, everyone loves him. He was friends with everyone at school. He mostly hung out with Hyerim and I but, if not us, he would hang out with them. They've known each other since the tenth grade when Jungkook joined his first sports team.

"Oh hey guys." Jungkook said doing that shoulder-fistbump-thingy.

I idled there, beside Jungkook like a ghost. My eyes landed on my younger brother, Jowoon. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Since when do you hang out with this crowd?" I questioned, quirking an eyebrow up.

"Shut up," He muttered.

I chuckled. It was cutely obvious that he wanted to get along with and impress his new older friends.

I slowly walked into the washroom, leaving the crowd. I looked at myself in the mirror and whispered "Don't get so nervous infront of him, he'll find out."

After a few minutes, I walked out of the washroom. My brother and everyone else were no where to be seen. Everyone except for Jungkook. He was comfortably leaned against the wall.

"Still here?" I asked approaching him.

He looked at me and flashed a childlike grin.

"Let's go to class together," he pushed himself off of the wall and linked arms with me.

I laughed and skipped with him merrily like we were kindergarteners. When we arrived at the classroom we quietly took our seats. I was way too embarrassed to even look at Mr Park. He still glanced at me a few times.

»»————- ♡ ————-««

Author's ;

You and Hyerim exited the classroom with your bags and both approached the main door to exit but were stopped by a teacher's voice.

"Miss Jung Areum, I believe you are supposed to help me sort out the books in my classroom." Mr Kim, an english teacher, called out.

You turned around on your heels and slouched your back with a heavy sigh. "Go on without me Rim."

Your dear friend nodded with a sympathetic look and left the school.

You and Mr Kim walked to his classroom in silence. Mr Kim opened the door and you both entered. He gave you the instructions for cleaning the messy bookshelf that should've already been clean in your opinion, and sat down at his desk, reading a book.

You slowly but surely started seeing progress with the sorting. Your eyes darted at the door when it swung open. It was him: Mr Park. He looked at you and shot you a cute smile before looking at the dimpled english teacher.

"Hey, Jimin what's up?" Mr Kim greeted with a smile that displayed his sweet, deep dimples.

"Not much, I finished prep for tomorrow's classes." Mr Park replied casually sitting on a desk.

"How was your first day?" Mr Kim asked.

"It was fun. I know we're not supposed to have favourites, there's this one student in my class who really made an impression on me." He said, purposely saying the last parts a little louder.

My Teacher | p.jm ✔️Where stories live. Discover now