Chapter 6 (part 1)

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Heres Chapter 6! Sorry for the wait!

Next weekend

Kat had a few incidents with her quirk from stress, so Aizawa let her go home halfway through the day if she did all her school work and practiced training in the dorms. Denki walked back to his dorm "hey princess." He closed the door and put his bag down. Kat groaned from concentration and was still reading. He walked over and kissed her head "you can do it." he sat on his bed. She kept focusing "Mhm ''. He went on his phone and laid down. She leaned on him while reading, not taking her eyes off the books. She leaned on him while reading, not taking her eyes off the books.

An hour later

He was starting to fall asleep and he dropped his phone. It fell and made a noise and he jerked awake "huh??". She was asleep on him and then woke up when he did "You good?~...". "Ya. Dropped my phone" he yawned and picked it up. She yawned "Oh okay..." she looked at the time "I'm gonna make dinner... You haven't had water today and I know you haven't so even if I have to force it down your throat" she got up and went to the kitchen. "Ok damn" he sat up. (same goes for you readers!! Go get water!!) She made some healthy ramen plates and then brought them to him, she gave him one then sat next to him "Here, and I'll grab you some water" she went to the kitchen then came back "Here dunce face" she usually called him names when he wasn't taking care of himself. He sighed and drank some water "happy?" he started to eat the ramen "mmmm~ thanks baby" he pecked her lips. She smiled at the peck and sighed, she got up and stretched "You think I should go back to school?... Fully?..." "Ya. Everything has calmed down. Everyone went back to normal. I think you'll be fine princess" he smiled at her. She nodded and sat back down next to him "I just don't want to have another quirk incident..." "I'll be there to calm you down before it gets to bad princess.." he hugged her. "Then i'll run you to the bathroom so you can cool off your hands" he kissed her head. She nodded and sighed, she hugged back and smiled slightly at the kiss "... My hair is also getting longer..." "It is. It looks great. You're growing a cute little spikey mullet" he chuckled. She groaned "Shut up", she sighed and laid her head on his shoulder. "What?? It's adorable. Prom is coming up fast. Maybe this weekend you can go dress shopping with Rodin or the girls". She smiled slightly and nodded "That's if they'll invite me...". "Im sure they will. I know Mina will. They are our friends. They care about you. The squad has been worried about you.." he sighed and kissed her shoulder. She sighed and nodded "Yeah cause all I do is destroy things and yell... More like scared of me... " He rubbed her back "they aren't scared of you princess. They are worried... It's weird at the table cause it's too quiet. We miss our loud angry Pomeranian" he chuckled. She looked up and glared at him "... Finish your fucking food and stop talking" she went on her phone, leaning her head back into shoulder. He chuckled "ok ok ok" he went back to eating. He finished quickly then held her and fell back. She put his bowl down and went to go back on her phone, then fell back with him "Whoa-" He chuckled and kissed her cheek "i love you baby". She sighed and smiled slightly "Love you too asshole" she pecked his lips.

Time skip,

Bakugou goes back to school full time after a week, she's a bit nervous but is ready to try today

Denki was walking with her down the halls and everything was normal. A few glances but nothing bad. She wasn't holding his hand or anything, she didn't want to burn him or make him sweat too much "God... I'm sweating so much... Is it making me smell bad?" she looked at him. "Babe. You literally smell like caramel no you dont smell bad. You smell sweet and its making me hungry" he chuckled. She smiled with a chuckle and looked at her hands "Uhh... Denki..." they started to spark a little. His eyes widened "calm down princess. Its ok come on" he walked her to the bathroom and opened the door for her. She basically ran in and turned on the cold water, panting slightly then looked at Denki "I should've stayed at the dorms, gone back to private classes and stayed with my counselor". "No no baby, it's ok. You can do this. I believe in you. You can do this Kat. Just deep breaths. You used to not care at all what people thought. Didn't give a care in the world. The confident Katsuki Lynn Bakugou I know. She's still there. I know it. You are powerful and brave, princess. I love you. And I believe in you" he smiled. She looked at him still slightly freaking out "That was closeted me! That was the me that didn't know how to bring people in! I can't do this!" "Katsuki! Yes you can!" he took a deep breath "you can do this baby i know you can". Kat stopped and started to calm down, she turned off the water and nodded "Okay...". Denki smiled and opened his arms "come here" She hugged him and sighed. "You've got this baby girl. I believe in you" he kissed her head. She smiled and cleared her throat as she moved away "Yeah... Let's head to class" "Ok" he took her hand and walked with her to class. They made it to class and Bakugou seemed focused, she talked with the other girls during an in class project. They were separated into groups and she ended up with the girls cause of Aizawa, she smiled and laughed with them and they even invited her to dress shopping. He was working with the guys and smiled at Kat seeing her smile. She wasn't sweating or even having a hard time, she was actually very comfortable. They put pins in her hair, keeping it out of her face. Mina was sitting next to her to make her more comfortable, especially when surrounded by the girls in your class. He was happy she was happy. He continued his work til the bell rang to go to there next class. She got up and then walked to her desk to pick up her things. He grabbed his stuff and walked over to her "hey princess. Did you have fun?" He kissed her cheek. She smiled at the kiss, taking his hand and walking out with him "Yeah, I had a lot of fun actually... They also invited me to go shopping with them". "See I told you they would. Women travel in packs. I swear" he chuckled and kissed her hand. She chuckled "Yeah, and all men travel with boners " she pushed him very very lightly. "Heyyyyy" he huffed then chuckled "its not my fault your hot and turn me on" he kissed her quickly. She kissed back and then looked at the next classroom, her and Denki had different classes for second "I'll talk to you later alright?" she kissed his cheek. "Ya. Bye princess. I love you" he pecked her lips.

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