Chapter 4 (Part 1)

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One week later

Denki was still mad at kiri.. But Kat had convinced him to talk to Kiri about what happened.

He was pacing in his dorm nervous about talking to him again. Kiri walked to Denkis dorm and knocked "Hey man it's me...". He walked over to open the door "Hey.." he didn't look at him. He cleared his throat "Hey... Can I come in?". "Ya.." Denki stepped aside so he could come in. Kiri walked in and smiled slightly at him, he took off his shoes and stood in the living room "Can I sit?". "Ya.. Go ahead.." he closed the door and went to sit on the couch. Denkis head was down trying to get the courage to actually talk to him. Kiri sat down and scratched the back of his head "I think... First... I want to apologize... I'm sorry that I did that to you... And Bakugou... I didn't mean for any tension or rudeness... I truly was just... Jealous...". "I.. I know... It just.. It hurt... It hurt that my best friend would accuse me of cheating without an explanation... I was trying to protect Kat... She wanted to keep it a secret.." Denki said then sighed. Kiri nodded "I should've let you speak... It was selfish of me and awful to take h-her away from you... Sorry I'm still getting used to it... But... I don't want to get between you two... I know you'd never cheat... You'd never hurt her... And I guess that's why I... Was so surprised... And I was still jealous". "I know... And it's ok. She'll understand. It will be hard to get used to but you'll get it..." he sat back "i would never dream of it. I love her.. So much.. That was our first date... I wanted it to be special... She wasn't ready to come out yet... And I wish none of that happened...". Kiri sighed and put his face into his hands "Man... I'm..." he sighed "I'm... Sorry... I'm so sorry... I'm promising not to tell anyone... It's her business... How about this... Me and the squad will give you guys the best date in the world, restart... Huh?". Denki looked at him with a small smile " thanks for keeping the secret... But I want to take her on a date I plan.. So it's more special... But ya.. We can restart..". Kiri smiled and nodded "No problem... Again... I'm sorry man... We good?" he put his hand out to high five into a hug. "Ya we good" he chuckled. Denki grabbed his hand and pulled him in for a hug "i missed you man.. I hated that..". Kiri chuckled "I hated it too" Denki sighed and let go with a smile "i'm sorry i got so mad". He shrugged "You had the right''. "I know but I'm still sorry.." he turned away "i love her so much.. I would never dream of cheating or hurting her... I will never look at anyone the way i look at her...". Kiri smiled "Then keep her..." he held his shoulder. He looked up at him and smiled "i will. Like I would let you have her" he chuckled and nudged him then stood up. He put his fists up playfully "i ain't going down without a fight bro". Kiri chuckled as he nudged and nodded "True" he raised an eyebrow and laughed slightly "I surrender man". He chuckled "aww no fun" he fake pouted then laughed. He laughed with him and held his stomach.

They both spoke for a bit then Kiri had to leave. Denki laughed with him and talked. Once he left Denki went to lay on his bed.

Bakugou came to his dorm, no makeup or even female clothing. She walked in and took off her shoes, she walked in and smiled "Hey, how'd it go?". "Hey princess. It was good. We are good now." he smiled and opened his arms. She smiled and sighed with relief "That's good" she walked over to him and hugged him, pulling away to look at him "I'm bored and have been dressed like this all day, sooooo entertainment?". "What did you have in mind?" he held her and looked at her. She bit her lip back and looked him up and down "Nothing~... Just to hang out~...". He raised an eyebrow "is the door lock?" he smirked slightly. She looked at his lips and nodded, then back at his eyes with a smirk. Denki kissed her softly and cupped her cheek. Kat hummed into the kiss and pulled his shirt towards her, going on top of him she put both her knees beside his waist. He smirked into the kiss and moaned slightly. His hands moved to her ass as he tilted his head. She moaned and leaned into his hands, caressing his chest she grinded slightly and moved down to his neck. Denki moaned and bit his lip back. "Fuck Lynn~" he smiled and squeezed her ass. She moaned and bit his neck slightly, cupping his face as she kissed and sucked on his neck. Denki moaned and titled his head to expose more "god i love you~" he moaned a bit louder as she found one of his pleasure points. He melted and pulled her closer then held the back of her head. She smiled against his neck and chuckled slightly, she kept finding the spot and licked up it and then kissed it. He moaned loudly and gripped her shirt "f-fuck~" he bit his lip back. She took off his jacket and moved back down, touching the same spot and caressing his chest. He moaned and moved his hands up her shirt. He squeezed her chest and caressed her body. She moaned and moved up back to his lips, cupping his face with one hand. She moved up and took off her shirt, then helped take off his. He took off his shirt "are you sure?" he moved his hands back to hold her hips.

She took a second and looked at him, she got off him and sat beside him "I don't know..." He sat up "i don't mind if you aren't ready. It's why I asked. I wont do anything unless you are one hundred percent ok with it" he smiled at her. She looked at him and smiled slightly "I don't know... I just..." she sighed and looked away "I thought I was ready...". "And that's ok if you change your mind. I'll be ok" he pulled her face towards him and caressed her cheek. He smiled at her "I wont be mad princess. I'll wait till you're ready" She smiled and put her shirt back on, she looked down "Do you need me to fix anything?" "Only if you want to. I can fix it" he smiled and chuckled slightly. 

Chapter 4 part 1!!! Next is a smut but wont be posted for a bit since we need to write the next part to post with the smut. Thank you for all your love and support!! 

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