Chapter 5 (part 1)

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Thank you guys for so many reads!!! Sorry i haven't posted in awhile. My boyfriend and I are writing for a tag we created. Its on TikTok and Discord. My @ is traitorousdancer.cos theres a link to the server there. Its a Fantasy theme tag "Wolf of First Order". Werewolves and demons and such. If you you are interested you can join the server as a Reader. We are on the third arc but there are arc summaries so you can catch up. Thank you again for the reads and votes!!! Now onto the story. Youve waited long enough. 

Denki was putting on his pants when his phone and Kats phone went off "hm?" he looked at his phone and read the message. His eyes went wide and shocks came off his body. He dropped his phone so it didn't fry. Kat packed her bag and was really happy today, she put her bag on and smiled "Ready to go? You good?" He took a deep breath and calmed to sparks "ya. Im fine. Lets go." he looked pissed as he picked up his bag and went to the door. He opened it for her. She looked a bit confused, but walked through the door and looked at him "Denks you alright? You seem angry". "Ya im fine Kat. Just dont touch me for a bit ok?" he looked at her with a small smile. She nodded and started to walk "Okay". He walked with her to the school. Once he calmed down enough so he wouldn't shock people he wrapped his arm around her waist "stay close to me." She was confused and looked at his hand "Denki what is going on? I can walk myself". "Katsuki please." he said with a slight anger in his voice. His eyes were constantly darting around the halls. She sighed and looked away from him, she kept walking and saw people staring at her with their phones out "What's up with everyone? Do I have something on my face?" she saw a guy staring "WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT EXTRA?!" she put her hand up.

Lazy format time... sorry.

D- "Stop." he glared at the guy sparks in his hair.

M- Mina came running towards then tears in her eyes. She came to a stop in front of them "i-im sorry im so sorry. I-" she was panting

D- "What is it Mina?" denki said looking confused

M- "I-i accidently told Monoma... When i was drunk.. I-i...i ment to text Momo but.. Im so sorry Bakugou"

D- "Monoma?! He did this?! Ill fucking kill him!"

K- She was just really confused on what was going on and then she grabbed the guy by his throat "Tell me why everyone is staring at me!"

G-"L-Look at th-the school n-news"

K- She let go and looked at Mina "Give me your phone"


K- "GIVE ME YOUR FUCKING PHONE!" she grabbed it out of her hand and looked on the school news, she slowly turned to look at Denki

"... Was this not important enough to tell me?... Huh?"

D- He looked down "you were so happy this morning... I didnt want to ruin it..." he clench his fists "Where is he? Where is Monoma?!"

K- She pushed her way put of the small talk and speed walked into the school, she made it into the halls and saw Monoma

Mo-"So I was just grooming my beautiful hair then I got this message from him it's was very entertaining- oh hello Bakugou"

K- "Don't speak to me like that..." she threw her bag at him and grippe his shirt, pinning him to the wall "I'M NOT AFRAID TO BLOW YOU INTO BITS YOU FUCKING LOSER! TELL ME WHY YOU DID THIS?! NONE OF IT IS EVEN FUCKING TRUE!"

D- He ran after her sparks covering his body. He saw monoma and he held his hand out to the side. You could hear the static from the electricity. It was surrounding his hand

K- She punched him and pinned him hard again "TELL ME ASSWIPE!" her hands beginning to smoke a bit

M-"S-simple... I wanted to make the whole school hate you... Give out your darkest secret... Ruin your chance at becoming a hero... Why?... Because of revenge... You took my place... So I'm taking it back..."

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