22.1: Clearing The Air

Start from the beginning

April chuckled and smiled at her. "You know ya my babes Mimi and I think of you as one of my sisters as well. Trust I know that I can count on you and I've known that for years. I just don't want you in the mix of all this shit. You saw how it went down last night. Shit can get crazy. Are you really up for some shit like that" April said and asked her.

"You know I am" she said.

"Lil sis she's been like this since yesterday. I tried to tell her that she was good but she wants in" Shooter said looking down at Mimi and gave her a smile. He couldn't be mad that she wanted to be in along with the rest of the women. He understood where both Mimi and April were coming from and supported both.

"Ok well if the time should ever arrive you better be ready if one of us tags you in" April said serious. What they did wasn't for play, play. They had no time for slip ups.

"I'll be ready" she said sure of herself.

"Ok" April nodded.

"So who's next" Dave asked looking around the room.

"I'll go" Errol said and focused on Dave and April. "I know this was some major shit and some shit we just can't act like never happened but please don't let this fuck us up. I just got here and from jump I've seen how all of y'all interact with each other" he said and looked around the room at everyone. "This is some mature shit and I'm proud to be a part of this family and call y'all my family. Big bro and Lil Birdie shit happens but this is a win in our book so don't let it set y'all back. Y'all are good for each other" Errol said expressing how he felt. He didn't want to see their relationship crumble and the family splitting up or having people choosing sides. He couldn't express how much he loved this blended family shit. It not only brought all of the families together but it brought his family together and he was thankful for that.

"Aww lil brother you have absolutely nothing to worry bout. See not only is Papi and my Love Bug stuck with me but so are you, Mama, and Pops with or without a ring. Sure I had to deal with these two bitter ass exes but I'm not gonna let them win. We've all worked hard for this shit. I just had a baby by a different man and this man beside me stuck with me and stayed with me through it all. He took it upon himself to have a man to man talk with her father and they both accepted what it was and worked together to make this shit work. Not only that but he claims my child as his own so nope we're good over here. Yes Agnes and cream cheese tried to shake some shit up but not enough for us to lose this" April said as a matter of fact. She wasn't going to let Agnes or Kae fuck up her home and put her kids in the middle of more shit.

"Facts" everyone said together. Agnes and Kae weren't stopping a damn thing.

"Tell him ma. We're good the Triple B's are here to stay" Dave said looking down at her in awe. Everything they had gone through was worth it. If he could change anything about how they had come to be and how their family had grown he wouldn't change anything. What they had gone through had taught him a lot about himself and the man he was as well as who April truly was and what she was about. What he learned was that they were about each other, their kids, and their family.

"Say less" Errol nodded happy with their responses.

"In other words lil bruh CLINK, CLINK" Shooter said jokingly picking with both April and Dave.

"Damn right don't act ya boy is the same way" April said laughing.

Dave laughed and held her in his arms a little tighter. "She knows what's up just like I do. It's either in or in it ain't no out and let's not forget bout that crip ass rock on her finger. But real talk I feel like this is partially my fault. I brought Agnes into ya life and put you in a situation you didn't need to be in" Dave said and sighed. He still felt a way about introducing her to Millie. He wished he had never done it.

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