Bad Day At Black Rock -- Rabbits Foot

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"Well, what's it say?" I ask eagerly as I lean over Dean's shoulder to gaze at the license plate.

"Connecticut. Last three digits 8-8-0." Dean states.

"Yep. That's it." Sam hums.

Dean clicked his tongue and kissed the back of my hand. "Should have blacked out their plates before they parked in front of the security camera, right, doll?" Dean asks impishly.

I chuckle. "Definitely. I'm takin' point." I mention as I get out of the car. I could hear two men speaking about cards or something when we get inside the room. Gun drawn, I edge the down the hallway. I nod towards the entrance and the boys nod. "Freeze, Freeze!" I shout loudly, bouncing out with Dean.

"Don't move!" Sam barks.

"What is this--"

"Stop!" Dean barks.

"All right, give us the box." I snap as I surge forward. "And please tell me that you didn't--"

"Oh, they did." Sam states.

"You opened it?!" Dean growled as he rushed towards the bald one, and pinning him to the wall.

"Are you guys cops?!" He grunts. "Are you guys cops?!"

"What was in the box?" I ask urgently. The bald one looks towards the coffee table. My gaze flickers onto the rabbits foot.

"Oh, was that it, huh? It was, wasn't it?" Dean asked. "What is that thing?"

Suddenly it's mayhem. The boys are quickly being overwhelmed and just as Sam grabs onto the rabbits foot, they get the upper hand. "Dean! I got it!"

"No, you don't." The bald one hums with a gun pointed at Sam's chest.

The gun clicks, and as the bald one tries to escape, he tumbles back into the chair, hitting the ground and knocking himself unconscious. "Sam!" I exclaim as the other one goes to shoot, but the shelf above him gives way, falling on him and sending the gun sailing towards Sam. He catches it easily.

"That's a lucky break." Dean hums. "Is that a rabbits foot?" Dean asks.

"I think it is." Sam answers as he looks at it.

"Well, let's get out of here before they wake up, huh?" Ask, and my foot slips from underneath me, sending me sailing backwards with a shriek. Warm arms encase me and I reopen my eyes to gaze up at Sam. "Thanks?" I mutter.

"Heh, guess you fell for me." Sam flirts.

"All right, knock it off, she's mine, buddy boy." Dean grunted and tugged me from Sam's embrace.


"Dean, we do not need all of those lottery tickets." I mention irritably as we check out at a convenience store.

"Hey, if Sammy's lucky right now, we could win big, baby!" Dean urged.

"Anything that lucky is bound to have the opposite effect-- look what happened back at that stupid apartment? Those two guys had the upper hand, but when Sam took a hold of the foot, you two chuckle heads turned out to be the lucky ones." I snap.

"Ah, don't worry too much about it-- you gotta be preparing yourself for Freak Night." Dean laughed. I groaned again and got into the Impala, my foot slipping once again, sending me sailing over the front seat and into Sam's lap. "This foot is pushing too many good things towards you, man." Dean comments as I mutter out an apology and tumble back into the back seat.

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