Time Is On My Side -- Zombies

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I hum softly as I cradle my phone between my ear and my shoulder, my water resting comfortably on the curve of my small belly. "You ran the prints twice? Are you sure?" I ask. "Okay, yeah, just chalk it up to lab error."

"Just another day on the job, right?" The tech says.

I chuckle. "Don't I know it. Okay, thanks. I'll go tell the lieutenant." I recite politely before ending the call. Dean steps into the room and smiles. "Hey, you bury the body?" I ask as Sam follows him in.

"Yeah," Dean sighs. "Poor schmuck. Looks like these demons ride 'em hard just for kicks."

"What was the phone call about?" Sam asks.

I smile. "You remember that thing in the paper yesterday that Sam brought me?" I ask eagerly.

"Stripper suffocates dude with thighs?" Dean asks. "Cause I don't mind going out like that."

I roll my eyes. "The other thing." I laugh.

Dean hums. "Right, the guy that walks into the E.R. and kneels over dead. HIs stomach's ripped out."

"His liver, actually," I retort. "Anyway, I just found out something pretty damn interesting."


"The dead body covered in bloody fingerprints-- not the victims." I explain.

"Okay, great. My man Dave Caruso will be stoked to hear it." Dean retorts.

I grin. "Dean, those fingerprints match a guy who died in 1981." I explain.

"Really?" Dean says with a newly interested look. "So, what are we talking?" He asks as I get up from my seat. "Walking Dead? Walking, killing dead?"

"I hope so!" I express happily.

Sam rolls his eyes. "You're the only person I know besides Dean who gets that excited for the aspect of zombies."

"Can you blame her?" Dean asks cheerfully. "Zombies so like the other, other white meat. Speaking of, what do you care about zombies?" He asks me. I hum in confusion. "You've been on soul-saving detail for months now and we're three weeks out, and all of a sudden, you're interested in some hot zombie action?"

"Hey, you're the one who's got me sitting on my ass while you get to be gung ho to hunt." I retort. "I thought I was doing you a favor."

"Hey, no, no, no--" Dean says quickly. "First off-- you're pregnant. Remember? What am I, a broken record at this point?" Dean chuckles. "Secondly, I never said I didn't want to do it. I mean, obviously, I want to hunt some zombies."

"Okay, fine, whatever," I laugh. "But I'm not sitting out on this one, I've waited too damn long for a hunt like this." I retort playfully. "But I'll be a good girl, and peel out if there's danger."

"That's my girl." Dean grins and walks out of the room. Sam and I shared an equally annoyed look before I follow after Dean.


The morgue felt a little colder than any others we'd visited.

"Now, the rest the body was intact, correct?" I ask.

"Yeah, it was." The Mortician nods. "The liver was the only organ missing."

"Now, where the liver was ripped out," Dean starts. "Did you happen to notice any teeth marks?"

The mortician gazes at us skeptically. "Can I see your badges?"

"Yeah, sure," I hum and tug out my badge. We hold them out and let him have a good look.

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