Mystery Spot -- Tuesday?

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Lottie's POV

Dean was grinning like a kid again as I swept around the motel room to get ready for the day. "Rise and shine, Sammy!" I exclaim as the alarm clock starts blaring with Heat of the Moment.

"Dude... Asia?" Sam asked irritably.

"Come on. You love this song, and you know it." Dean states as he tugs at his laces.

"Yeah, and if I ever hear it again, I'm gonna kill myself," Sam states.

Dean and I share a look before I lean over and start raising the volume of the music. "What?" Dean chimes loudly. "I can't you hear you!"

I can't help but laugh as Dean begins to lip sync and bounce along to the song. "Dean!" I admonish with a squeal as he sweeps up from the bed and twirls me around the room. Dean finally releases me and goes to the bathroom, his cheerful humming echoing out behind him. I chuckle as I shake my head, and I toss Sam's bag to him. "Get ready, we got a lot of stuff to check out today."

Sam yawned before nodding and tromping in after his brother after tugging on an outfit. You'd think it would've taken me longer to get ready, but here we are-- waiting on Dean. "Whenever you're ready, Dean." Sam mentions irritably as we wait by the open door. My face starts burning as Dean pulls out one of my bras, and casts a glance at me.

"How come you never wear this?" He asks.

I'm seething. "Put. It. Back." I say irritably.

Dean chortles and shoves it back into his bag. He rummages around for another moment or so before he tugs out what he'd been looking for. "Ah! Bingo." Dean chimes as he stuffs his gun into his waist band. "Now, who's ready for some breakfast?"

Sam glances down at me and sighs. "Yeah, I don't-- He's your brother." I mention before following after Dean.


My stomach was rumbling as soon as we entered the diner. "Drive safely now, Mr. Pickett."

"Yeah, yeah," The old man counters irritably as we pass by him.

I give a soft sigh as we slide into the booth, my gaze already trailing over the menu board. "Hey! Tuesday. Pig 'N a Poke." Dean mentioned.

"Do you even know what that is?" Sam asks.

Dean looks at me as if I were gonna answer. "Don't look at me, I don't know." I shake my head.

"You guys ready?" The waitress chirps as she steps up to our table.

"Yes! I'll have the special, a side of bacon, and coffee." Dean says.

"Make it two coffees and a short stack." Sam adds.

"And I'll have a water with lemon, short stack, and some fried eggs-- over easy." I say softly.

The waitress smiles. "You got it."

Dean curls his arm around my shoulders and tugs me closer to his side. "I'm telling you, Sam, this job is small-fry. We should be spending our time hunting down Bela."

"Okay, sure. Lottie, where is she again?" Sam asks.

I grimace. "I don't know how she did it, but I can't seem to locate her." I mention irritably.

Sam chuckles. "Believe me, I want to find her as bad as you two do. In the meantime, we have this." Sam states as he pulls out the paperwork we'd compiled. Dean grasps it and looks it over.

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