Hells Bells -- A New Friend

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Bobby wasn't happy when I'd told him I wasn't gonna stop. I'd been scouring every everywhere to find a trace of any hells gate. But he was sympathetic, and offered to get a place for me to lay low during the remainder of my pregnancy. No one in their right mind would give me a case, now that Bobby spread the word on my pregnancy.

"I didn't even know you had an extra place, Bobby." I mention as he leads me into the workshop that was in his name.

"Yeah, got it a long time ago. My wife thought it was stupid, but I wanted to branch out, you know?" Bobby mentioned softly as I gaze around. It's a two story building, and it's got a large garage attached meant for repairs. There's an old car in the middle, ready to be lifted into the air, but it's covered in a layer of rust. "Can't quite recall how long this things been here, but uh, I suppose you can have it. Give you something to do while you're waiting on the kid."

I shrug. "Sure. Why not? But you better keep searching for those gates. I'm not giving up on it." I snap irritably.

Bobby nods and tosses me the keys to the doors. "Here. I'll start putting up some protection." I nod and step back into the house.

Two months pass with nothing to do but wait for Bobby's information. The summer was a hot one. Even with the A/C Bobby had installed in the house.

I glance up when I hear the chime of the door, and waddle over, my gun nestled into the waist band of my pants. "Can I help you?" I ask irritably as I gaze at the strange looking man standing at the counter. He's adorned in a trench coat with a slightly wrinkled suit underneath.

"Are you Carlotta Bellway?" He asks in a strange monotonous tone.

I narrow my eyebrows at him. "Maybe. Who the hell are you?"

"My name is Castiel, and I've been searching for you for a long time." He says before trying to move around the counter. I raise my gun.

"Keep still." I snap, and he halts almost immediately, but his facial expression hasn't changed. "What do you want?"

Castiel just squinted a little before humming. "I am going to make sure you bear your child in safety."

I snort. "Okay, so you're a freak with a pregnancy fetish. Give me one good reason I shouldn't kill you right now?"

"Because I am going to make sure your child is born safely." He says again, as if it were obvious.

"Get out of here." I snap at him. "I don't care who you are, you come anywhere near me again, I'll shoot your dick off."

Castiel didn't even flinch before he moved forward again. I fired, and gaped as he just kept walking. "I am an angel of the lord. My purpose is to make sure your child is born."

I swat at his hand as it reaches for my belly, and stumble backwards, nearly collapsing into the garage.

My back screams in agony as I hit the side of the car, just outside the devils trap above on the ceiling. But he just surges on, trying to reach me. "I said leave!" I shout, my hand slamming against his chest. He gives a startled grunt before slamming into the wall. "Get-- Get the hell out of here! I don't know what you are--"

"I am an angel--"

"Fuck you, angel's don't exist!" I bellow.

Castiel just holds his hands up cautiously. "I am trying to strengthen the wards on your skin." He explains softly. "Nothing more."

"How do you--" I stammer before he manages to lay a finger on my belly. Searing pain erupts from my skin and I slap his hand away. I huff irritably as I palm at my belly. The child is jostling inside of me, clearly upset at the constant movement. "Get out of my garage! If I find you here again, I won't hesitate to kill you like I did the others.

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