Time Is On My Side -- Doc Benton

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"Stay behind me--" Dean orders with a hiss. I nod eagerly and keep up with him as we descend into the hunting cabin. I can hear Sam's grunting and someone's soothing voice echoing out before Dean fires his gun, shooting the man behind the curtain. I nearly recoil at the mess of a man gazing at us.

"Shoot all you want." Benton hums softly.

Dean shoots a few more times until Benton shoves him out of the way. I squeal is disgust and skirt around him to try and release Sam. "I'm here--" I gasp to Sam as I rip the tape from his face before fiddling with the restraints. Sam grasps at my arms as I help him up. Benton is on the ground. "It work?" I ask as I fight back the dry heaving.

Dean gets up with a grunt. "Yep. Like a charm. Sammy-- help me move him." Dean orders and the two lumbering men stoop down and haul him up before strapping him to a table.

It doesn't take long for Benton to rouse from his drugged slumber. "Oh, hiya, Doc," I chirp. "How are you feeling?"

"Please." Benton grunts.

"Please what?" I snap, my bedside manner suddenly souring. "You've been killing people for over one hundred and fifty years and now you have a request? Sorry, Happy Hour's over."

"No, you don't understand, I can help him," Benton whines. "I know what you need."

"We might have to cut him up into little bits." Dean mentions. "You know, this immortality thing is a bitch."

I snort. "Tell me about it, but at least I keep my good looks."

"I can read the formula for you." Benton keeps going. "The whole immortality-- forever young, never die."

"Dean?" Sam murmurs.

"Sam." I bite. Dean grunts irritably and follows after his brother. "Guess I get to play nurse." I grumble.

They're whispering in hushed tones and I just glare down at Benton. "Black or white, human, or not human." Dean barks. "See, what the doc is, is a freakin' monster! I can't do it. I would rather go to Hell."

"You don't understand," Benton whined again as Dean douses a rag in chloroform. "I can help you!"

Dean presses the rag against his face and gazes up at Sam. "Now, I'm gonna take care of him. You can either help us, or not. It's up to you."

By the end of the night, Doc Benton is locked up in an old fridge, bound by chains with his journal sitting atop as Sam and Dean bury him, locking him away for eternity.


Dean rubbed at my feet when we'd settled into our new motel. My cell was cradled between my ear and shoulder, waiting for Bela to pick up after we'd left a nifty little trap for her. "Hey, Bela--" I hum affectionately as the phone picks up. "Here's a fun fact you may not know-- Dean's got plenty of practice when it comes to someone stickin' their hands in their pockets when you swiped that motel receipt." I explain.

"You don't understand--" Bela tries.

"Oh, I'm pretty sure I understand perfectly." I retort. "You see, Dean mentioned something he'd noticed in your hotel room, something tucked above the door. An herb-- devil's shoestring. Well, there's only one use for that-- holding Hellhounds at bay. So, you wanna know what I did? I went back to take a look at your folks' obit. Turns out they died ten years ago today. You didn't kill them. A demon did your dirty work. You made a deal, didn't you, Bela? And it's come due." She's silent on the other line. "Is that why you stole the colt? To try and wiggle your way out of the deal? Our gun for your soul?"

"Yes." She admits in a trembly tone.

"But stealing the colt wasn't quite enough, I'm guessing."

She sniffled a little. "They changed the deal. They wanted me to kill Sam."

"Really? Wow. Demons untrustworthy--" I snort. "Shocker. That's kind of a tight deadline, too. What time is it?" I gaze down at my watch. "Ooh, look that-- almost midnight."

She sniffles again. "Lottie, listen, I need help." She sobs.

I snort. "We are weeks past help." I hum.

"I know I don't deserve it."

"You know what? You're right. You don't. But you know what the bitch of the bunch is? If you would've just come to us sooner and asked for help, we probably could've taken the Colt and saved you." I snap.

"I know, and saved Dean." She keeps sobbing. "I know about the deal, Lottie."

I hum again. "And who told you that?"

"The demon that holds it. She holds mine, too." Bela admits. "She says she holds every deal."

"She?" I echo.

"Her name's Lilith."

"Lilith." I hum. Sam and Dean perk up, and I gesture with my foot for Dean to continue. "Why should I believe you?"

"You shouldn't, but it's the truth."

"This can't help you, Bela. Not now." I explain. "Why are you telling me this?"

"Because just maybe you can kill the bitch." She says softly.

I hum softly. "I'd say see you later, but you've got a play date."

I end the call and set the cell down. No one said anything for the rest of the night.

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