No Rest For The Wicked -- Convoluted Plan

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Dean's gazing at me worriedly as I keep trying to start the Impala. "Stupid, son of a--"

I give a sharp yelp as someone knocks on the window. "Hey, where do you think you're doing?" Bobby asks, as he lifts up the distributor cap.

"We got the knife." Dean retorts irritably as we clamber out of the impala.

"And you intend to use it without me?" Bobby snaps, and suddenly, I feel like a scolded child. "Do I look like a ditchable prom date to you?"

"No, Bobby, of course not." Sam tries.

"This is about me, Lottie, and Sam, okay?" Dean retorts softly. "This isn't your fight."

I squeak in surprise as Bobby storms up to snarl at Dean. "The hell it isn't!" He snaps aggressively. "Family don't end in blood, boy. Besides, you need me."

"Bobby--" Dean tries.

"You're playing wounded. Tell me, how many hallucinations have you had so far?" Bobby asks.

"Hallu--" I huff. "What?" I sputter as I swing my gaze up to Dean.

"How'd you know?" Dean asks.

"Because that's what happens with you got Hell Hounds on your butt, and because I'm smart." Bobby recites. He holds up the distributor cap. "I'll follow. Lottie, you're riding with me. I don't trust those chuckleheads to be toting around a pregnant lady."

"I'm not even gonna ask, but okay." I snort as I trot after him.

"Don't be stopping to pee every ten minutes, either." Bobby called back.

"Uh, you're gonna have to stop frequently. My bladders kinda bein' abused." I retort as I slip into his truck.


The drive is long, and tiring. "Did he get pulled over?" I hear Bobby hum. I jerk upright from my position against the glass. I rub at my eyes quickly as we pull up behind him. "Oh, hell--" Bobby yelps as we pile out of the car as Dean stabs the officer in the neck. "What the hell happened?" Bobby asks breathlessly.

"Dean just killed a demon," Sam says as he continues to gaze down the cop.

"How'd you know?" I gasp.

Dean just gazes back up at me. "I just knew." Dean says breathlessly. "I could see it's face, it's real face under that one."

"Oh, shit," I gasp. "We've gotta get rid of him, now. Before anyone comes across this road. I'll move the car."

Dean and Sam nod as I slip into the cop car. We pull it off into the forest and hide it in a bunch of forestry. "So, what, now you're seeing demons?" Sam asks.

"I've been seeing all kinds of things lately, but nothing like this." Dean mentions.

"You're piercing the veil." I explain breathlessly. "You've got a little over five hours left with the deal. You're getting small glimpse of the B side."

"Little less new agey, please," Dean retorts.

I roll my eyes. "You're almost hell's bitch. So you can see hell's other bitches." Bobby snaps.

"Thank you." Dean snorts.

"It'll actually come in handy." I respond.

"Oh, well, I'm glad my doomed soul's good for something." Dean huffs.

"Damn right it is." Bobby hums. "Lilith's probably got demons stashed all over town. We can't let 'em sound the alarm. If she knows we're here, we're dead before we started."

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