Hells Bells -- Mary Sandra

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I knew it would be hard, but damn, did this kid wail. I grumbled tiredly as I rocked in the rickety old chair with her latched onto my breast as if I starved her. "God, why can't babies just eat cheeseburgers like the rest of us?" I whine to myself. I glance down at her, and I'm overwhelmed with a sense of affection. "Well, it's not so bad, I guess..."

Mary just eats, without a care in the world. I guess it's normal. Being only mere days old, I didn't expect much. The hunter that came by said she looked full term, but he couldn't be sure. No one could. I hadn't had so much as a doctor's visit throughout the entire pregnancy.

But, I couldn't help but smile down at her. I loved her with my whole being. I certainly felt better-- aside from the hemorrhoids. I adjusted in my chair, wincing at the flash of pain shooting up my back. The sleepy infant gave a wide yawn as she detached from my chest and dozed off again. I felt a giddiness arise and I couldn't stop the smile burning at my face.

My cell vibrated against my pillow as I set her down in her crib and hurried towards it. An unknown number flashed on the screen and I answered it, my throat clenching tightly. "Oh, good, you answered," A cheery voice echoed out. I grimaced. "Mind letting me in? Kinda figured I shouldn't just pop in unannounced."

I glance out my window and down towards the front door. Gabriel is standing on the pathway to the front door, a wide smile on his face. He's got dozens of presents in his arms, and I vaguely wonder where he's gotten them from.

I gingerly step down the stairs, and slowly open the door. "What the hell's gotten into you?" I hiss quietly. "Don't tell me you stole these--"

Gabriel gave me an offended look before rolling his eyes. "I'm just here to drop off some presents for the squirt."

"How did you even know?"

"I told you," He smirks as he taps at his temple. "There's a buzz between our mutual friends. Now, you want me to ward the baby, or not?"

I bite my lip irritably before nodding, and letting him in. "Be quiet." I hiss at him. "I just put her down."

He doesn't even respond as he barrels up the stairs. I hurry after him and watch as he gazes at the squirming infant in the crib. She's awake, but she's strangely aware of the man hovering over her. "Oh, she knows I'm here all right." He hums curiously as I gets different angles. "Sorry, never seen one up close."

"A... A baby?" I ask.

"A... Yeah. A baby." He hums before tugging out the old dusty bottle. "Gonna be a powerhouse later on, huh? Yeah, you are. Just let old uncle Gabe hide you." He coos at the squirming child before brushing the wards over her belly.

She doesn't scream as it lights up as its finished, instead, she just yawns and dozes off. "Thanks." I huff. "Uhm, I have a question."

"Yeah, ask me what?" He hums as he continues to gaze at her.

"Some dude came by, uh, Castiel was his name. He one of our, uh, friends?" I ask curiously

Gabriel shot up. "What did he say?"

I shrug. "I mean, he said he was an angel of the lord, but that's impossible."

Gabriel couldn't hide that anxious look before he smirked. "What was he on?"

I shrug again. "No clue. But he helped me give birth, so maybe he's on our side?"

Gabriel shook his head. "He's not. If he shows up again, use this." He hands me the old bottle. "And light it."

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