Jus In Bello -- Sitting Ducks

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"We're like sitting ducks in here." Sam sighs.

"I know." Dean grunts as he keeps the towel pressed tightly against his wound. "Would it kill these cops to bring us a snack?!" Dean shouts.

"How many you figure are out there?" Sam asks.

"I don't know." Dean sighs.

"However many there are, they could be possessing anyone." I mention. "Anyone could just walk right in."

"It's kind of wild, right?" Dean mentions. I turn around and gaze through the cell door, my eyebrows raised. "I mean, it's like they're coming right for us. They've never done that before. It's like we got a contract on us. Think it's because we're so awesome? I think it's 'cause we're so awesome."

I flinch and try to stand up, but my legs are like jello. The sheriff is striding in. "Get up." He grunts.

"Well, howdy there, Sheriff!" Dean chirps as I stumble to my feet, bracing myself against the wall.

"Uh, Sheriff?" I murmur as he opens up their cell.

"It's time to go boys." The sheriff mentions.

"Uh, you know what, we're just comfy right here. But thank you." Dean mentions as I slink back against the wall.

"What do you think you're doing?" Henriksen asks as he approaches the cell. I just gaze at him with wide eyes.

"We're not just gonna sit around here and wait to die. We're gonna make a run for it." The Sheriff snaps.

"It's safer here." Henriksen snaps.

"There's a swat facility in Boulder." The sheriff says.

"We're not going anywhere." Henriksen reiterates.

"The hell we're not--" Henriksen cuts the sheriff off by shooting him.

We leapt into action and force Henriksen's head into the toilet bowl-- which Sam had blessed with the rosary I'd gotten. I begin reciting the exorcism.

"Stay back!" Dean barks as a cop rushes in. "Hurry up!" Dean urges as Sam struggles to keep Henriksen down.

"It's too late!" Henriksen's voice rings out. "I already called them. They're already coming!"

I finish the exorcism and his head flies back, the black smoke pouring out and going straight back to hell. I slump against the cell wall, breathing out raggedly. "Is he... Is he dead?" Nancy asks meekly.

Henriksen coughs roughly, rousing from his possession. "Henriksen. Hey. Is that you in there?" Sam asks breathlessly.

Henriksen pulls himself onto the cot, his breathing evening out. "I... I shot the sheriff." He murmurs in disgust.

"But you didn't shoot the deputy." Dean takes his opportunity. Sam and I glare up at him.

Dean purses his lips and has the decency to look ashamed. "Five minutes ago, I was fine, and then--"

"Let me guess-- some nasty black smoke jammed itself down your throat?" Dean finishes.

I struggle to stand. "You were possessed." I explain.

Henriksen glances between the three of us. "Possessed, like..." He gestures with his hands. "Possessed."

"That's what it feels like. Now you know." Sam mentions.

"I owe you the biggest I told you so ever." Dean states.

I smack him upside the head. "You can be sassy later." I snap at him. I snatch the gun from Dean's hands and hold it out for Henriksen.

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