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Crowley appeared once again out of the blue as the demon before me fell dead. "That's all of them, then?" Crowley asks as he shoves his hands into the pockets of his coat.

"Seems like it. Unless ones hiding behind another, but then again, I'm feeling merciful. I've got to get back to Sam and Dean." I mention.

Crowley rolls his eyes. "I'm sure the boys can get along just fine without their powerhouse around. Now, about our deal--"

"I said I'd kill 'em. But I need to get to the boys first. I honor my deals, Crowley, don't you worry. This list you have? I'll get them. You can rest easy." I chuckle. "I'd thank you, but I don't think demons feel sentiment."

"Cheeky," Crowley hummed with a smirk, and I exit with a blink of my eye. Pulling my arm up, I gaze at the white marks trailing down them before grinning to myself.


After I'm able to get to a motel and unwind, for the first time in weeks, I hear the voices again. Windows shatter, booming voices shake the very building, but for some reason, I'm not bothered in the slightest. A man appears before me, and he's pissed. "You are a failure, you incompetent monkey!"

I scoff and pull a beer from the fridge. "You sure like to howl, don't you?" The man's not the slightest bit amused. "Listen, I'm sorry I killed your pal all those months ago, but he really pissed me off."

"You were supposed to kill Sam Winchester." The man retorted impatiently.

"And I said no," I shot back. "You think you can boss me around like I'm some puppet? I don't think so! Whoever you are-- You were responsible for my parents death! So as long as I'm still breathing, and as long as I have a home to fight for, I will never do what you want!"

The man scoffed. "So that means you're going to side with the demons, then? How far you've fallen, sister, it's disgusting. No wonder Gabriel took a liking to the rebel child. You will regret this, Carlotta, mark my words."

"The only think I regret is wasting my time on you, buddy. Now get out of my face-" I shout the last few words, and he's gone. And everything's radio silent again. I suck in a deep breath and pull out my cell.

It rings a few times before the other end opens up. "Sam, it's Lottie-- Where you at?"

Lightning booms in the skies as I grasp my leather jacket and shrug it on, and step outside. The skies are a dark gray color, and I could feel this new found power thrumming in my body. I just smiled and stepped forward, the very earth quaking under me.

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