Bad Day At Black Rock -- Ruby

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"Because Demon, Sam," I snap. "I mean, the second you find out this Ruby chick is a demon, you go for the holy water. You don't chat! When the hell we're either of you gonna tell me this?!"

"No one was chatting, Lottie, and it just didn't come up." Sam expressed.

"Oh, yeah? Then why didn't you send her ass back to hell?" Dean snapped.

"Because-- Because she said she might be able to help us out!" Sam retorted.

"How?" I ask irritably.

Sam doesn't answer me, so Dean pushes. "No, really Sam? How? How could she possibly help us?" Dean asked.

"She told me she could help you, okay?" Sam snapped. Dean and I went silent. "Help you out of the crossroads deal."

Dean snorted. "What's wrong with you, huh? She's lying! You got to know that, don't you?" Dean asked. "She knows what your weakness is. It's me!"

"What else did she say?" I ask in a softer tone. "Dude?"

"Nothing." We both look at him. "Nothing, okay?! Look, I'm not an idiot, guys! I'm not talking about trusting her! I'm talking about using her! I mean, we're at war, right? And we don't know jack about the enemy! We don't know where they are, we don't know what they're doing, and hell, we don't even know what they want! Now, this Ruby girl knows more than we will every find out on our own! Now, yes, it's a risk. I know that. But we need take it."

"You're okay, right?" Dean questions. "I mean, you're feeling okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine! Why are you always asking me that?" Sam exploded. A cell goes off and I go for my phone. "It's not mine!"

"Nope." Dean hums and turns to me.

I shook my head. "It's gotta be John's." I hum and pop open the glove compartment.

"Dad's?" Sam asked

"Yes, I keep it charged up in case any of his old contacts call!" Dean snapped as I pulled out the cell.

I flip it open. "Hello?" I hum.

"Is... Edgar Casey there?" A voice echoes out.

"This is his wife, give me a second," I hum. "Honey," I angle the phone to Sam. Dean hums in confusion. I give him a zip it look.

"Yes, this is Edgar Casey." Sam answers is with a strange look. "No, no, no, no-- don't-- don't call the police. I"ll handle this myself. Thanks. You know, can you just-- can you just lock it back up for me?" Sam asks. "Great. Uh-- I don't have my book in front of me. Do you-- do you have the address so I can-- sure. Okay, go ahead." I offer my journal and he starts jotting down an address. "Right. Thanks a lot." Sam snaps the phone shut.

"What was that about?" Dean questions.

"Sam sounds more like John over the phone, and don't even say you don't hear it." I explain, and Dean hums and shrugs with a nod. "Now, what was that about?"

"Uh, did Dad ever tell either of you he kept a container at a storage place?" Sam asked.

"Uh, yeah, he mentioned it to me, like-- what, six years ago?" I cock my head. "Outside of buffalo, right? Did someone break into it?"

"First, yeah, someone did. And secondly, when were you planning on telling us?" Sam asked irritably.

"John swore me to secrecy, I don't even know what's inside it. He just wanted me to change the lock since he was busy on a hunt. So I did." I shrug.

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