𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑡𝑦 𝑡𝘩𝑟𝑒𝑒

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"I'm going to put aside the fact that that's morally disgusting, but Dae-Jung is my Mate." Kingston told the anti-Im Pack groups.

He could see that none of them were having it. Had him wondering if bringing Danny out would be smart; but he didn't do so just yet.

"Your Mate and his family were ignorant on the truth - they attacked us. They attacked Andreas and ruined everything great. If the Im family was willing to listen-."

"I said I killed Kawan though." Andreas interrupted, Kingston looking at him in shock. He stood up from his seat as he walked beside him. Now everyone looked like they were lost on the whole topic now.

Kawan was still sitting down right beside Magnus, but his nerves were rising just from Andreas saying that. The last thing he wanted was for people to come for Andreas or their son.

"Kawan and I are Mates as well. With the Im Pack and Abawi Pack there are rules associated with both our heritages. Comes with...powers and ways that are hard to understand. Every third generation - our families had True Mates that can create a son with power that of a Luna. Kawan and I were on our way to having a son, and when he was born a life had to be given to bring him to life. That's what Kawan did...and he was frozen before me - giving his life for our son so that he could live." Andreas explains to them, pain filling his voice.

Just recounting such events made him feel the pain again. To see Kawan practically be dead, frozen in time into a statue.

Kawan stood as he went beside Andreas, wrapping his arms around his waist. Hugging him, he laid his head on his chest so that he'd feel better. To remember that Kawan was now here.

"When I took Kawan's body to his family they wanted to know who did this to him. If I said our son...everyone would know of our infidelity and the secret would be out. I needed to protect the one person that had Kawan and me together. It was one last reminder of what him and I did together. I lost that...and I wouldn't let the Im Pack take that away because of ignorance; so I said I did it." Andreas confesses to everyone.

Magnus felt a little bit of shame suddenly. He felt like he was the reason all of this came to be. If he had never been born-.

He suddenly flinched as he saw a memory of Kawan and Andreas together. He could see them when Kawan was pregnant with him and how happy he was. His father sweet and absolutely doting to him...

Could tell that Kawan and Andreas were ecstatic to have him... They couldn't avoid the fact that the circumstances were the way they were. He also realized that if they didn't love him...Kawan wouldn't have given his life for him. Andreas wouldn't have said he hurt Kawan - just to protect Magnus.

His parents loved him more than he ever realized.

When Magnus looked at Aeneas he saw his eyes were on him. A smirk grew on his lips as he nodded at Aeneas for giving him those memories. For giving him a piece of his past that he never saw or thought to look for.

Now Magnus was just impressed by Aeneas' power for his age. He also saw Milla was holding Aeneas. She looked at Magnus awkwardly considering that he hurt her, but not on purpose.

I'm sorry Milla. Magnus said to Milla in her mind, and she looked at him in shock.

She ended up nodding quickly, smiling at him. That immediately made Magnus feel better and found himself sighing in relief.

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