21 ∼ A crack in the glass

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Everlyn takes the single key that he had put on the table and swirled it around in her hand under the table.

She then looks Leon back in the eyes, dreading a little to ask him why he was feeling like this so suddenly. She didn't want to seem to be rejecting the idea, but it was a lot to take in.

"Leon, thank you, that's so sweet but-" Everlyn talked so carefully the sound of Leon's phone was enough to break her off.

He looked annoyed at it before letting out a little sigh before giving her an apologetic smile.

"It's the station, sorry. I've to go, but it's has been in my mind for some time and glad I finally got the courage to tell you."

He got up and took his jacket on the chair. "We'll talk later, okay?" He took his hand on the back of her head before lowering himself to kiss her forehead.

She nodded to him giving him her prettiest smile as he then walked out. She rolled her eyes at the fact that he was almost always working. What's the point of living together if he's going to be working all the time?

She took the key that was still in her hand and put it in her bag in the small pocket on the side.

She could think about the details later with Leon and talk it out with her mom first. She didn't even know about their relationship. Maybe it was time to tell her.

She got home and saw the note on the kitchen counter. she didn't even have to read it, she already knew.

Something about work with her mom and she'll be back from the trip in a couple of days.

Maybe living with Leon won't be as different as with her mom. She was always going to be alone anyway.

Without feeling the time go, the sky was suddenly many shades darker than the last time she looked outside.

How had she gotten into such a mess that made her check every entrance into the house multiple times before feeling safe?

The drug dealer thought she knew something and therefore wanted her to stay away from Leon. Leon is looking for the drug dealer, working day-and-night as if it was a personal issue. Serena was working with the dealer and so was Liam? She got lost in her thoughts and even with everything she knew she was confused.

Leon knew only half as much, how must he feel? Everlyn walked to the balcony with her warm chocolate she had made hoping it would make her fall asleep without her mother being home and Leon by her side.

Without the help of the wind, the tears on her cheek would have gone unnoticed as her face felt numb.

Shouldn't she tell him? Was she selfish for trying to protect herself by not telling him? It was to protect him too.

What if he wasn't ready to be met by such a monster. More like she didn't want to.

She looked inside when she got a notification on her computer. thankfully she was going to college soon and leaving all of this behind.

She had gotten into one of the best colleges and she couldn't even feel happy for herself and her achievements.

She turned her head back around remembering the acceptance letter she got yesterday.

She never told Leon about it. How did he know to buy an apartment near there?

Had he spoken to her mother? Did she already know about him? No way. Leon wouldn't do that.

Could he just watch her computer because he was from the police? Everlyn shook away the crazy thought. It was not like he was from the FBI.

"What the hell?" She whispered to herself seeing a black vehicle parked right in front of her house, watching her.

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