20 ∼ The smallest coffins are the heaviest

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"Oh, I'm sorry," Everlyn said trying to move along without creating too much attention.

But as she took a step to the side she felt a grip around her arm, stopping her in her tracks. Everlyn then looked up at the person she bumped into and saw and middle-aged man looking sternly at her.

"Mhh... So you're the talk of the night, huh?" Leon brought you here right?" He asked with his rough voice sounding like he smoked a packet a day.

Everlyn's eyebrow rose as her eyes widened, "I am? I mean yeah, I know Leon... Or.." Everlyn stumbled across her words.

It felt so unnatural not to deny her relationship with Leon for the first time. It then hit her she didn't have to explain that to a stranger.

"So? Do I know you?" It did weird her out that apparently a lot of people were talking about her. No one seemed to look her way so it impressed her how discreet they were.

He didn't seem to get the point that it was none of his business and he moved even seemed to take a step closer to her, looking at her seriously.

"The question is, do you know Leon?" It took a minute for Everlyn to understand what he was trying to say, but confusion was still written all over her face.

"Wha-?" she only got to word before she saw Leon's shadow behind the man before Leon padded his shoulder twice rather roughly.

"Leave the girl alone uncle Deck. I'm a man now you don't have to be so protective." Leon smiled at him, raising his eyebrow at him for a second.

Everlyn started lightly laughing realizing why he was asking so many questions and the sudden interrogation from a stranger.

She felt Leon's hand around her waist which felt almost a little protective as his uncle kept looking at him while nodding.

"I won't," he said but his eyes staring at Everlyn said differently. She gulped thinking it was probably all in her head. Leon was acting normal so maybe she was being sensitive.

Why didn't his family seem to like her? She looked around while covering it up by taking a sip of her tea, remembering Leon's uncle saying she was "the talk of the night".

Her eyebrows furrowed while looking at Leon. Wasn't he a policeman? He really couldn't sit there and tells her he didn't feel the tension. Why was he acting like nothing?

She took his arm around her waist and hugged it before walking away with him. Getting her lips closer to his ear she yelled whispered, "What is going on?"

Being so close to his face Everlyn noticed Leon's jaw flexed as she spoke as he then looked at her concerned.

"What do you mean? What did he say?" A smug smile formed on Everlyn's lips over Leon thinking he could fool her. This night wasn't about his family or some uncle Deck.

"I'm not talking about him. I'm talking about your little plan with Rose to keep me here." Leon surprisingly looked relieved before letting out a light laugh trying to ease the tension between the two.

Everlyn crossed her arms not buying it one bit while sucking her teeth with her red lipstick shining making Leons think thought he never thought he would have about his little angle.

"Ooh... that nothing. It's just for you to relieve some stress and get away for a bit." Leon shrugged his shoulders before taking a sip of his tea too.

"Take me home. Now." Everlyn felt something behind his bad lying and acting. What could have happened or was going to happen?

Leon looked shocked for a second over her words before getting out of his head seeing how serious she was.

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