17 ∼ Cheat Cards that Makes You Lose

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"So Everlyn, you just decided to run out of the principal's office and run to the bathroom?" An officer she hadn't seen before asked.

"No, like I said I got a text." Everlyn was starting to get a little frustrated over how thickheaded this cop was, asking her the same question three times now.

"But, you see, Everlyn we have had our best people look through your phone, and there isn't a single trace that someone texted you at that time," he narrowed his eyes at her, finally stopping his back and forth pacing.

Everlyn raised her eyebrows overwhelmed. Checkmate to them once again. What could she possibly say to make them believe her?

"Whatever, who cares about the damn text. Isn't there some fingerprints, DNA, hair, anything to identify the killer?" Everlyn didn't understand why they were focusing on all the wrong things?

"No, only the person who suddenly ran towards the crime scene," the officer shrugged his shoulders as it was obvious.

It then all made sense like a puzzle she missed a piece to understand. She looked at the mirror in front of her, seeing her pale face, suspiciously.

She knew Aiden was behind the glass but she didn't know if he knew they suspected her. Wasn't he going to do something?

"Everlyn Brooker, do you know anything about this, that you aren't telling us?" He asked blocking her view to the mirror and looked her deep in the eyes

Outside was her mom pacing back and forth waiting for her daughter to come out. It had taken 20 min. more than she expected and it worried her.

Was her daughter breaking down while they were pushing her further? Was she denying answering anything because of teenage stubbornness?

she then saw a cop, which was surprisingly pleasing to look at, get out of the observation room and she walked fastly towards him.

"Sir, can you please tell me what is going on in there?" Leon took a glance at her, immediately knowing it was Everlyn's mother from the almost identical facial features.

"Don't worry miss, she's getting out now." He said before slamming his hands two times on the door.

Everlyn looked at the door nervously. She could feel her breath getting shorter and she needed to get out of the small room.

The detective opened the door and seeing Leon's face relaxed her posture and mind. "She needs to get to school. It's enough for today, you can speak with her another day." Leon said sternly holding his vest before nodding for everlyn to get out of the room.

"Couldn't you just help me out for a couple more minutes? She was about to speak," the detective whisper-yelled to Leon frustrated.

"I am not here to help you out but to make sure the people's rights get complied and if not, get accountable for it," Leon said holding the open for Everlyn as she walked out feeling numb.

"Baby, are you okay? What did they say to you?" her mom asked worriedly as she felt Aiden's warm touch on her hands giving back her phone.

She took it not looking at him as she then took her mother's hand and pushed her along her far away from all of them. She just needed to be far away from everyone.

With her mom a step behind her, she stopped right outside the bathroom. "I just have to pee." She smiled at her mother to make her less nervous.

She nodded smiling back seeing through her facade. She walked into the bathroom looking at herself in the mirror and her green undertones.

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