𝗧𝗵𝗶𝗿𝘁𝘆 𝗙𝗶𝘃𝗲

Start from the beginning

Nico only huffed out a breath. "You think you know everything."

"We're not going back with you, so I suggest you turn around. This isn't your city anymore, you can't control us." He called confidently.

Nico only laughed mockingly as he pulled out some sort of necklace made of neon from his cloak. He displayed it, Tyler's eyes glancing over it in curiosity. But once his eyes landed on the magical item, they wouldn't move. His whole vision blurred into a giant neon blob, his mind feeling helpless.

Nico stepped closer, and closer until he was arms length. The sound of a baby's cries filled his ears, but his focus was solely on the blank faced Tyler. He placed his hands on his neck, smearing a black substance on him. "Follow me instead." He whispered rhythmically.

Nico then mounted his horse, Tyler's body following him as his horse walked.

The neon in Tyler's vision was blinding, although he couldn't look away from it. He felt as though he was in an endless realm when really he was following the one person he despised the most. The endless realm seemed to crack when a yellow petal floated down towards the ground, distracting his mind from his helplessness. He furrowed his eyebrows as he saw the petal hit the green grass. Was it raining flowers?

He looked up to see thousands of people throwing what looked to be petals into his face. The horse freaked out as Nico picked up pace out of the trench, leaving Tyler behind. Tyler wasn't in the trance anymore and he smiled at the colors around him. He was relieved as he saw Nico flee like a coward. He turned to return to the cave where he saw the same people who threw the pedals now forcing Jenna with them, her hands behind her back as their baby was held by a man in a yellow mask and greenish cloak.

Tyler quickly dashed off, running towards them quicker than he had ever ran before.

"No!" Jenna's voice was so loud that it cracked, Rosie's cries loud enough to echo through the trench.  Tyler stumbled, his foot wedged in between two rocks as it twisted his ankle bone until it broke. He felt pain for a split second until his head splashed into the water and hit the muddy ground, his world going black.



"Shit!" Tyler jolted awake, his breath heaving as he looked around in the pitch black room. The sound of cries echoed through his ears. Tired cries. Rosie's cries. Pain shot through his foot as he tried to pull it to himself, and he let out his own cry. It honestly didn't hurt that bad, but he was woken up from it, which really shocked him into believing it was worse.

Jenna let out a whiney hum as she sat up, looking over at the baby and then to Tyler's side to find it empty. She was so oblivious to what was wrong, and honestly confused. It was all happening so quickly. That's when Tyler realized that he was on the ground, his foot hung between two of the bed posts and the mattress. He carefully removed it, letting out a breath as he did so. They had the type of bed that had iron bars as bed posts. They never thought it'd be dangerous.

He let out another breath as he let his head fall onto the carpet, his foot aching as he tried to relax his tense bones. He then saw Jenna's face pop up from on the bed, a small smile taking his lips for a split second from how cute she looked. She was gone as quick as she came, crawling back to her side to look into Rosie's crib. "Did she wake you up?" She asked, fairly quiet.

"No, I think I woke her up." He took another deep breath, the aching of his foot lessening by the second. "I got my foot..." he leaned up, pointing to the bars. "Caught inside of the bars, and then fell off the bed."

Jenna took in a large intake of air, it sounded like a small surprised gasp. "Oh, my god, what if it's broken?" She patted Rosie's back as she rocked her, walking over to Tyler's side to see him more easily.

Tyler shook his head, grabbing ahold of the mattress to help himself up. "It's not-" he let out a groan as he felt his foot give out from under his weight and a lightning of pain shot up through his whole foot.

"Tyler, be careful. I won't be able to catch you if you fall." Jenna said honestly, referring to Rosie, who was now enjoying Jenna's bounces, in her hands.

"I'm fine," Tyler let out a breath as he put his weight on his other leg instead. He sat down on the bed. "What time is it?"

Jenna hummed as she thought, looking over to her side of the bed where the alarm clock sat. "3:21."

Tyler sighed, rolling his eyes annoyed. He wasn't annoyed at anyone in particular. Mostly himself for ruining their one night of rest— most likely. "Give me Rosie, you can try and sleep while you can." He said gently, and Jenna shook her head vigorously.

"No, not with a broken ankle-"

"It's not broken."

"Well, let's let the ER decide that in the morning. You apparently can't move, so..." she paused as she thought of a good reason worth sharing. "I'm not sleeping. We can take care of Rosie together."  Tyler sighed, nodding his head. "Now, get comfortable and hold Rosie while I get ready to breast feed her." She handed Rosie to Tyler. "I'm going to take a quick shower. I'd hate to have her sucking on a sweaty nipple."

Tyler let out a huff, thinking of a dirty comeback but deciding against it.

As Jenna disappeared behind the bathroom door, Tyler held Rosie close to him as he stared at her face. Her big blue eyes were staring back and once she realized he was also looking at her, she plastered a huge smile on her face. Her non-existent teeth showing. She let out a sound of happiness, and Tyler smiled. "You little slimeball. Stop staring at me. What are you? Bored?"

Rosie let out another giggle as she stretched her arms up, her hand grasping his nose. Tyler moved his face out of the way before furrowing his eyebrows at the girl. His smile not leaving his face. "Excuse me." He teased in a playful baby voice.

His ankle seemed to stop hurting him, for all of his focus was now on Rosie. He tickled her chest with his finger, making loud giggles escape her lungs. He stopped, and Rosie stretched her arms again, yawning. "Maybe it's just your momma and I... but you are really the cutest baby in the world."

A sigh traveled to Tyler's ears and he looked up to see Jenna wringing her hair out into a towel. "Okay, I'm ready."

He smiled at her figure as she changed into some pajama shorts. She climbed into bed shortly after, deciding it was easier to breast feed without a shirt. She smirked at Tyler's soft smile. "Stop staring, Joseph. This is for Rosie, not you."

Tyler huffed, handing Rosie over to Jenna. "Sorry I didn't know I wasn't allowed to admire my wife's beauty."


This took a while to post because j was at work ALLLL DAYYYY LONGGGGG!

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