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Warnings: small rant at the end of the chapter

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Warnings: small rant at the end of the chapter.

Words 969



"For you I'd wait, til kingdom come. Until my days, my days are done." Tyler sang as he drove, one hand on Jenna's thigh and the other on the steering wheel. "Just say you'll wait, you'll wait for me."

Jenna smiled, reaching over to turn down the radio. "I love that song. Especially when you sing it."

Tyler nodded, "well, I hate that song unless if I sing it for you."

Jenna giggled, shaking her head at his cheesiness. "Where are we going to eat?"

Tyler shrugged, "Where do you want to go? And make sure it's special because this could possibly be our last date as a childless couple."

Jenna rolled her eyes, "wow thanks for giving me all the pressure." Jenna looked out the window to think. "I mean, the baby is due February 6th. We have time for another date."

Tyler turned his head to her, his eyebrows lifting. "that's in three days, babe."

Jenna felt her breath hitch at that, but she turned her head towards the window to hide her shock, and possibly the small fear in her eyes. "I know."

Tyler nodded, his chin lifting slightly as he turned. "Okay, so where to?"

Jenna smiled softly, "Sonny's."

Tyler smiled, turning on his turn signal to do a u-turn. "Alright."


"So, Josh said we can't name our girl David." Tyler began as he straightened the ketchup bottle in the back of the table.

Jenna furrowed her eyebrows, "why would we name our daughter David?"

Tyler shrugged, "he also said not to name her Katherine. He said those are his names."

Jenna nodded, shrugging her shoulders as she propped her head up with her palm. She played with her straw paper silently. "You okay?" Tyler asked. Jenna glanced up at him before puckering her lip out the slightest bit in thought.

She shrugged again, "I'm really scared."

Tyler furrowed his eyebrows. "Of what?"

"Having a baby." Jenna mumbled, her eyebrows furrowing slightly in some sort of hurt expression. She hated to admit it, but she was honestly terrified. She stared at the wooden table in front of her. Tyler's hand came into her view as he grasped her hand.

He didn't really know what to say, so he just stayed silent, rubbing indents into her hand with his thumb until the waitress came to take their order.


The sun was setting when they were done with dinner, and when they left, it was raining.

"I'll go get the car. Stay here." Tyler said to Jenna, while they were under a small porch. Jenna nodded, although no smile showed on her face. It disappointed Tyler.

As he pulled the car up and Jenna got in he got an idea. He smiled softly as he pulled into the parking lot once more.

Jenna gave him a questionable glance, but Tyler didn't seem to care. He turned the radio up, quickly stepping out of the car.

"I had a dream so big and loud
I jumped so high I touched the clouds
Wo-o-o-o-o-oh, wo-o-o-o-o-oh
I stretched my hands out to the sky
We danced with monsters through the night
Wo-o-o-o-o-oh, wo-o-o-o-o-oh"

Best Day Of My Life, American Authors.

She giggled as she saw him dance in front of the car, his hands waving above his head as he swayed his hips. She rolled her eyes as she saw his teasing smirk. "Wooo!" Jenna laughed as she looked around at anyone who might be watching him. He didn't seem to care though.

He danced his way over to the passenger side, opening the door and holding out his hand. "I can't have my best day without you, girl c'mon."

Jenna grasped his hand as she stepped out of the car, the wet raindrops hitting her face. Tyler grabbed ahold of her waist, holding her as close as he could get her.

"This is gonna be the best day of my life
My li-i-i-i-i-ife
This is gonna be the best day of my life
My li-i-i-i-i-ife"

Tyler twirled her into an empty parking space as she began to dance by herself. A huge smile formed on Tyler's lips as he watched her. He loved admiring her especially when she did something she didn't know was cute. She was so oblivious of how in love he was with her.

No matter how much he told her she would never know how much.


Alright I'm going to post the next chapter tonight.

About the things that are happening to Tyler right now, I really hope those people get what the deserve because that is NOT okay. Tyler did nothing wrong, there's no way he r8ped someone in high school; I refuse to believe it. And the courage those people have to accuse him of that is just out of this world. I'm disappointed. I've been disappointed in the clique for a while, ever since they started hating on him about wearing no mask. Like, sure Jenna and Tyler should wear a mask but it isn't our place to tell them or try and force them to by hating. It's their life and they will do whatever they want.

I've honestly stopped looking at twenty one pilots fan pages on social media for this exact reason. And I just felt the need to explain this on here. I know you all most likely will agree when I say, I hope Tyler is doing okay. I wouldn't be mad if he never came back to social media or even music in general. There's no reason for him to be treated this way.

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