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Warnings: filler chapter

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Warnings: filler chapter

Words 691



"Alright parents! Thank you for coming, I hope these classes helped you. I can't wait to see your beautiful babies." The teacher concluded, dismissing her class.

Tyler helped Jenna off the floor, guiding her out the door. "I'm so glad those are over, they're terrible."

Jenna sighed, smacking his arm lightly. "They're not that bad."

"Well, now we have no excuses for not being good parents."

Jenna giggled, "I think we'll be good parents."

Tyler nodded, "I hope so."

They went their separate ways once they approached their freshly purchased white truck. Jenna struggled to get in, but refused Tyler's help as she pushed herself up.

She couldn't wait for the baby to be out of her body so she could do normal things again. She also wanted her old body back. However, that would take some time.

"Don't you find it odd that I have a belly and in a couple weeks I'll be skinny?" Jenna asked, glancing over to a focused Tyler turning onto the highway. He seemed to focus a lot more now that he was in a crash. And since he talked about it with Jen.

Tyler shrugged, "No. You have a baby inside of you, of course you're going to gain weight."

Jenna shrugged, "Can I tell you a secret?"

Tyler shrugged, "The last time you told me a secret it ended up pretty terrible." He took a deep breath, "Sure."

Jenna shook her head, "this one isn't terrible. It's happy." Tyler nodded, urging her to continue. "Debby told me she's pregnant."

Tyler immediately flung his head in her direction. "Really?" He focused back on the road.

"Yeah, It's exciting. Josh doesn't know yet."

Tyler nodded, "was it not planned?"

"Nope." Jenna shrugged, looking out the window.

Tyler hummed as a response as he turned into the driveway. He took a deep breath, twisting himself in his seat so he could face Jenna the best he could. "Can I tell you a secret?"

Jenna lifted her eyebrows, "Yeah, what is it?" She asked gently, worry seemed to be in her eyes as if she knew.

Tyler sighed, looking down for a few seconds. "I want to show you the song I wrote. But I don't want you to judge me on the lyrics or see me a certain way because of them, okay?"

Jenna furrowed her eyebrows in concern and confusion. She nodded, "Okay."

Tyler gave her a half smile as he got out of the truck, walking over to help her out.

He ushered her inside and down the basement steps.

"This is called Neon Gravestones."

He hit the space bar, starting up a sad sounding melody. That small detail surprised Jenna the slightest bit. His songs usually had a happy melody and sad lyrics. Maybe it was the other way around.

Tyler watched Jenna intently, an almost worried look on his face at her reaction. And just as he thought he saw a small frown form on her face at the beginning of the bridge. He quickly stopped the audio.

He scratched the back of his head. "You don't like it do you?"

Jenna shook her head immediately, "No, why did you turn it off? It was really good."

Tyler shrugged, clearing his throat nervously. "I don't know— you looked sad."

Jenna gave him a half smile. "Isn't that the feeling you wanted to give out? This is a good song. It has a very good message and I love that you're not afraid to say what you feel."

"I showed it to the company and they said that it could ruin my career."

Jenna's face changed into a shocked one. "Oh my god, but it's so good. You do what you need to but my opinion is you should keep it."

"The bridge is a little bit much though, isn't it?"

Jenna shook her head, "no, it's just enough."

"promise me this, if I lose to myself, you won't mourn a day, and you'll move onto someone else."


I'm sorry I hated this chapter so much. I've debated deleting it from the story but I needed a filler.

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