𝗧𝗵𝗶𝗿𝘁𝘆 𝗙𝗶𝘃𝗲

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Warnings: none

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Warnings: none

Words 1781


The small family party went well. Tyler's sister, Maddy gave them some tips on how to calm down and drain Rosie from all of her energy. Maddy had a little girl named Mia who was around a year old. They had already passed the newborn stage, and was happy to help Jenna and Tyler.

After everyone slowly made their way to the door, Tyler and Jenna held a huge grin on their faces at the sight of their baby girl actually sleeping. Of course, Rosie slept, but she seemed to only find rest in the day time. It really messed up their schedule, but they were happy that it had finally settled down.

They were praying that it would stay this way for the rest of the night.

They put Rosie down in her crib, her momma's hand on her small chest as she sat in the chair beside the crib. Jenna leaned her chin onto the caged-part of the baby's bed, her cheek smushing against the thin bar. She felt a nudge on her arm, and heard a soft "c'mon" as she saw Tyler climb into his side of the bed. "Let's sleep while we can." He whispered, opening his arms expectantly.

Jenna sighed with relief as she carefully removed her hand from Ro's heart, climbing into the bed and engulfing Tyler in a well needed embrace. They stayed quiet, for the fear of waking their child.

She listened to his heartbeat as she drifted off. Tyler doing the same shortly after.



The chunks of hooves on the pebbles flowed into the cave faintly, letting them know Nico was a bit of distance away. Tyler looked around as if thinking hard of what to do. "Okay, stay here. I'm going to get rid of him somehow."

Jenna grabbed his wrist, "Tyler, no. Can we talk about this first?" She whispered.

Tyler shook his head, tugging his arm away and sneaking out of the cave and behind a huge boulder. There was no time to talk about anything. He placed his hands on the rough surface before leaning over it to see Nico off of his horse looking at some sort of compass. He then looked straight at the boulder and Tyler ducked behind it.

"You can come out Tyler." Tyler shut his eyes as if it would change the fact he knew he was there. It didn't. "You and Jenna can come out here, and we can talk about this. We can go home, and I'll let you keep your child with you. You can stay in one of my mansions and I will give you an abundance of food. All for her. Just come out, and we can talk."

Tyler took a deep breath, anger fueling his bones. Was he listening in on their conversation? If so, then how? How the hell did he find them? With an urge of confidence Tyler stepped out, stepping a little bit closer to Nico. The majestic white horse stomped his front hooves roughly creating dust, making Tyler stop. "How'd you know where I was?" Tyler growled, his brows furrowed in a nasty look.

Alive | ør | Asleep  •Jyler• 2/2Where stories live. Discover now