𝗧𝗵𝗶𝗿𝘁𝘆 𝗢𝗻𝗲

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Warnings: none

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Warnings: none

Words 899

• Awake •

"Sir... sir." Tyler heard in the distance of his mind. He fluttered his eyes open, and winced at the headache that had formed. A man stood in front of him, his eyebrows lifted. "Your wife wants to see you."

Tyler furrowed his eyebrows as he looked around. This is definitely not what he remembered last. He was now in the hallway on a waiting chair. He grunted softly before nodding his head, standing up and following the man into Jenna's room.

"Oh my god, I saw you pass out. There was nothing I could do. Are you okay?" Jenna worried immediately once she saw him enter the room.

Tyler nodded, a confused expression on his face. Her belly seemed smaller than the last time he saw her. Of course it was still bigger than her old self, but it seemed... deflated? "They put her in the nursery." That's when everything came back. Of course her belly was gone because the person accompanying it was gone. She was finally born. "I was waiting for you to wake up so we can see her together." Her smile seemed irreplaceable. Tyler inched closer, still silent as she spoke. She bit her lip to try and get rid of her shining smile. "We did it." She said quieter now that Tyler was closer.

Tyler gave a small smile as he let out a breath. "You did it. I'm sorry I wasn't there."

Tyler sat down on her bed right beside her hand. Up close she looked exhausted. All of her leftover makeup smeared and her hair frizzy. She was so beautiful. "It's okay," she giggled, "you got to witness the best part." He knew she was referring to when he passed out by the small giggle that escaped her lips.

Tyler closed his eyes and lifted his brows, taking a deep breath as he shook his head. Jenna giggled loudly making Tyler smile with accomplishment. "I'll never see it the same way again."

Jenna reached for his hand. "You better not pass out when we plan to have another."

Tyler breathed out a small chuckle before shifting is expression into a serious one. "Have you seen her yet?"

Jenna shook her head, "they usually hand off the babies to the father so they can bond a little bit but you weren't there so I told them I wanted to wait for you."

Tyler stood from his bed, reaching his hand out to help her up so they could venture to the nursery. "You didn't have to do that. But I appreciate it nonetheless."

Jenna hummed in agreement as she stood. Her inner legs were sort of sore, but other than that she felt as if she was back to normal. She didn't need any stitches and the doctor said her belly should be back to normal in a couple days. She just had to eat healthy.

As they approached the big glass separating them from the Nursery, Tyler searched around the room.

He huffed softly. How would anyone be able to find which baby was theirs without seeing them first?

Jenna gasped, a huge smile taking her face. Tyler looked at Jenna to see her pointing to a baby just at the front of the glass. Of course, Jenna could. "Look at her, baby. Oh my god."

Tyler smiled as he followed her finger towards a beautiful brown headed baby with her eyes closed. "Oh..." slowly, a smile sneaked onto his face. He felt a tap on his shoulder, but he was to busy looking at his baby to care.

"So, you guys want to hold her?" A nurse asked kindly. Tyler turned his head swiftly, nodding as his brows lifted. "Okay, come with me."

Tyler followed, Jenna close behind. The nurse carefully picked up their baby, gently handing it to Tyler. A warm odd feeling spread through his chest as he stared at her. His brain was working a thousand miles a minute as he made promises to himself to love and care and protect his daughter until the day he couldn't anymore. He made himself a promise to always be there for her when she cried about stupid shit. And he would always be there for her when a guy broke her heart, or made her feel small.

He would be there for her entire life, no doubt about it.

The baby yawned, stretching her arms up, which touched Tyler's rapid beating heart. He smiled, quickly glancing over towards a chair, and sitting down on it.

He didn't even realize Jenna was on his shoulder, watching her baby too. "What are we going to name her?" Jenna whispered tiredly. She felt herself becoming more and more tired, knowing that she didn't really need to stay awake for too much longer.

Tyler looked up to be able to think clearly, and he spotted a red flower in the window sill. He then remembered that red flower in his dream. The rose.

"How about Rose?" Tyler whispered, as he shifted his eyes to the sleepy baby again.

Jenna hummed as she thought. It took her a while to respond, "I like it. But I think I like Rosie better."

Tyler smiled as he nodded, "yeah, that's definitely it. I can see it." Their voices were just above a whisper, as if it would change the way Rosie saw them.

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