Chapter 35- Soobin

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Soobin's POV

He's so nice!

Who would've known?

Soobin was pacing around his room. He just got back from Yeonjun's room. Hueningkai wasn't in the room, so Soobin was all alone with his thoughts.

How come I never noticed how beautiful his feline eyes are....


I mean, Soobin didn't have a problem with gay people or others in the LGBTQIA+ community. He just thought he was straight.

Key word is thought.

He has never liked anybody in his entire life, so he isn't completely sure about his sexuality. He just assumed he was straight.

Soobin pounded his head against the wall.








Soobin stopped pounding his head against the wall.

"Fuck, now my head is dizzy!" Soobin shouted.

He dizzily sat down on his bed.

In his mind, he could see a crystal clear image of Yeonjun. Cat shaped eyes, thick red lips, and soft looking skin.

Soobin pulled on his hair.

Why is he invading my mind??

He looks beautiful when he cries...


Soobin smacked his face.

I think I'm losing my mind.

The door opened and Hueningkai quietly entered the room.

"Why are you so quiet?" Soobin questioned.

Hueningkai smiled. "You can't expect me to be loud all the time!"

Soobin smiled. "Oh okay."

Hueningkai questionably raised his eyebrows at Soobin. He took a tentative step towards him.

"Are you?" Hueningkai asked.

Soobin furrowed his eyebrows. "Am I what?"

"Are you blushing!?" Hueningkai squealed.

Soobin's eyes widened.

"Fuckkk, am I blushing!?! Just ignore it!"

Soobin sat in a casual position, trying to let his blush fade away.

"You're only blushing more!!" Hueningkai giggled. "So... what happened?"

"What do you mean?" Soobin casually asked.

"YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHAT I MEAN!" Hueningkai shrieked.

Soobin waved a hand. "Just forget about it."

Hueningkai put on a Lenny face. "Oh okay.... whatever you say hyung."


Soobin got up and started to leave the room.

"Wait!" Hueningkai said while dashing over to Soobin.

"Where are you going??" he asked.

"I just need a breath of fresh air." Soobin responded.

Hueningkai looked devastated. "W-wait, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make fun of you or anything-"

Soobin shook his head. "No, no, no NingNing, it isn't like that. I just want to be alone for some time."

Kai deflated at that.

He looked at the floor. "Oh okay."

So without further ado, Soobin dashed out of the room, the image of Yeonjun still locked in his mind.

God dammit, why won't you get out of my head Yeonjun??

Poor Kai :(

I forgot to mention earlier, but a lot of the times Kai speaks with an exclamation. He does that because he is trying to hide the fact that he is hurting inside :(

Anygays, Love you all, byeeee and see you next time!!!!

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