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The Adegbuyi's came with lot of gifts, and many more, it was really hard for Temmy and i simply understand how she feels, i had to conceal my sadness over what i heard yesterday, i haven't told anyone yet maybe it's because i wanted to do my findings well, mom did well by lecturing her on how to behave, uncle was all smiles, i think this is the first time i have actually seen him smile straight for minutes... I stood by Temmy all through, she actually handled herself well enough, she really is brave! Her husband to be Adekunle seems nice and gentle, at least from what i can see, he stole several glances at her while the family talked..

Uncle cleared his throat to talk "Temmy you Adekunle should get to know each other well, your traditional marriage will take place soon" he said revealing his devilish smile once again tormenting Temmy, Mr Adegbuyi (Adekunle's father) nodded in agreement enjoying every bit of the conversation, Temmy tightened her fist, anger rushed through her! uncle is not within his right senses i thought, my father would never do this to me, never!

"oshey ore jare(thank you my friend) Mr Adegbuyi said he patted uncle lightly on his back they both seems happy, Mrs Adegbuyi execused herself outside to receive a a planned work uncle got up along with Adekunle's father and moved to the bar section, he walked past me not without glaring me a scornful look..

Temmy's mom and i also excused them both from the parlor, Temmy held onto my hands "stay with me" she whispered "don't worry dear, i will be right back" i added quickly before my uncle would call to embarrass me terribly..

I went straight to the room, i searched for my phone, i need to talk to my father, he picked up after several rings.. "Hello dad" i greeted with a sour voice

"My sweetheart, how are you doing?"

"Babami inu mi o dun rara"(dad, i am not happy at all)

"What happened? is there a problem?"
"Yes" i said ready to pour down everything I overheard, i needed to know the truth on one part, i know i am my father's daughter, no matter how much i sit to think about what uncle said i can't seems to put the pieces together and maybe he said it because he arbor so much hatred for me on another part, still i didn't want to make a quick conclusion about anything

"......... are you there?" my father asked jerking away from my thought 

"Yes dad" i replied

"Is there any problem?" he asked again

"Yes" i replied, i changed my mind about the issue

"Ok, go on dear, what is it?"

"Dad its unfair, you didn't call me for two days, this is not our agreement" i said letting my lies flow naturally, i love my dad so much and i don't want to be the reason he and uncle would get into an argument.. No!

"Oh my God! am so sorry my dear, i have been so busy this days with work, its not intentional, i forgot, ma binu simi"(don't be mad at me)

"It's ok dad, i understand you, how are you doing, i hope work is fine"

"Yes dear, am very fine"

"How's my sister and mom"

"They are doing good, we missed so much my dear"

"I miss you all"  I said
"Dad, is there something important you think i should know" I asked nervously, he went quiet for few seconds..

"Yes" he replied..yes? I asked myself, my heart began to race a little faster

"Say it dad" i said

"I want you to know that i and your mom love dearly" he broke out, what?!  did he just break my heart by saying that? well not exactly in that way! of course i know they love me, its probably not what i wanted to hear...'hmm' is dad really hiding something from me?

"Yes dad, i love you both" i replied faintly..

" i have to go now take care of yourself dear"  he added quickly and ended the call before i could reply, dad! he's always busy..

I sat on the bed for minutes thinking about this whole situation, i feel chocked in here and i wanted to leave, part of me still blame my dad, i wouldn't have been here, but still i had fun with temmy for few weeks..

My mind darted to olaolu, have missed him terribly, i dialed his number quickly, its been a while have heard from him...we talked for minutes, he apologized for not calling since and i took no offence to it, we talked about several things l, i laughed straight from the heart, its been a while i feel this good..

After the call, i felt happy, i hummed my favorite song..the feeling of enthusiasm rushed within me.. I dashed quickly to the toilet to ease myself..

I opened the tap to rinse my hands then my face, then i heard the the bedroom door opened.."shade" i heard mom's voice faintly..i closed the tap to answer her call when i heard a familiar voice within.. "Is that her name?" the voice said..yes! Its Adekunle's mother, Mrs Adegbuyi..!

"Yes" mom replied..

"Wow, such a nice name" she said in compliment.

"Do you need something Mrs Adegbuyi" mom asked

"Oh no! its Nothing much, i saw you leave earlier and i followed you up to this room, i would like to discuss some things with you" she said in her sweetest voice, still holding the door knob i felt it would be rude to barge in to their discussion, i didn't want it to be that i am eavesdropping on their conversation so i decided to stay put in the toilet so they could finish, since i won't be noticed anyways.. "Am so happy our children will get married soon" she said..

"Oh!" Mom answered

"Do not worry, your daughter is in  safe hands, our family will make sure she never lack anything, she will be in so much comfort " she explained..

"I hope so" mom said

"Is shade also your daughter, she is a beautiful lady" she said, mentioning my name made me listen with knee interest as i pressed my ear carefully to the door

"No, she's not.. actuality she's like a daughter to me"

"Oh i see, she is your husband's daughter  then"

Mom raised a laughter "my husband's daughter?! of course not...she is an adopted child, my husband brother adopted her when she was a year old" bumb! I felt as if an arrow Pierced  through my heart, i am an adopted child? Like for real? really??!  No way..!  My hand rested on the door knob, i was ready to barge into the room, i wanted mom to say it to my face..or could it be that i heard wrong? No way! certainly i do not have hearing problems..

"Oh..its still ok..actually i like her and i want her to marry my second son, they would be a perfect match"

"Am sorry, that's not something you should discuss with me, you can speak directly to my husband he is in the best position to say anything " mom said

"Ok, i will be sure to....." Mrs Adegbuyi said but mom cut her short  "Mrs Adegbuyi i have things to attend to,please  exexuse me" mom added quickly and i heard footsteps leaving the room

I opened the door gently  and they were gone! Now i understand where this whole hatred emerge from, the reason my mom treats me harshly, why uncle hates me so much..
Dad lied to me, for how long were they planning to keep it a secret, what happened to my biological parents, what do they look like, are they still alive? I wept silently on the bed...this whole situation is much for me to bear, at same i felt a surge of grill at myself...why me?!!

I need answers!

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