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I woke up lazily only to find out ola's not on the bed with me, i rubbed my eyes trying to see more clearly, i checked the time, its only 7am..where has he gone to? Besides today is Saturday.. Well he's a grown up, i shouldn't be worried about his whereabouts.

I dashed into the bathroom to do my business.. On getting into the room i met my phone ringing.. Its ola!

"Hey babe, am sorry i had to leave this early, i am going to get my mum, she coming, i told you last week about it do you still remember?"

"Really,  that's a dumb thing to do, how could leave the house without informing me? something bad could have happened to me and you wouldn't few months time am gonna become your wife and you still sometimes treat me like a stranger, why do you have to go pick your mother? you could have sent the driver to get her and then you left me all alone by myself, this is not right, this is insane, i......."

"Sammy! he shouted cutting me short
This is my mother you are talking about and not some piece of shit, you were sleeping so peacefully and i didn't want want to deprive you of that, you and i know how much you hate it when someone disturbs your sleep, so why complaining? you didn't have to be rude about this issue, i already informed you last week about mum coming, why do you have a problem with that?"

Oh no, i guess he is very angry, but i wasn't ready to give up "i do not have a problem with your mother, all am trying to say is that you shouldn't have left me alone by myself, something could have happened to me, its not safe without you" i said crying....well a fake cry

"Its ok babe, am sorry for shouting at you and leaving you alone, am so  sorry about that, i will be back by evening and i promise i will make it up to you"

"Really? i love you so much sweetie, you know you are all have got"

"I love you too babe, i will transfer two hundred thousand naira to you now, you should go shopping so as not to get bored"

"That's a good idea sweetie, but can you make it four hundred thousand?, you know i can't go shopping alone, its i and kiki and i will have to pay for whatever she picks, i hope you understand now that the money is a bit little"

"Alright, i will do just that, give me few minutes"

"No baby, transfer it now, i have to leave, i can't stay another minutes in this house"

"Ok"... Just let me get a good place to park so as to transfer it, hope we are cool now?"

"Of course baby, i love so much"... I didn't wait for his reply, i ended the call..

Now today is a good day, i dialed kiki's number, she picked at the first ring

"Hello girlfriend, what's up?"

"Kiki, guess what?" i asked excitedly

"You are pregnant?"

"Argg, come on, try again"

"Sam, don't stress me, am so poor when it comes to guessing, now spill it out"

"we are going for shopping!"

"Really?, I thought you are pregnant or something"

"Come on, its not like you don't like shopping, don't you?"

She answered laughing "you know i love shopping, thank God am already dressed, i was going to see one of my broke boyfriends, am glad you called, should i rush over now?"

"Of course, what else are you waiting for?"

"Alright babes, i will be there in twenty minute"

"Ok, i love you" i said and ended the call.

I sat in front of the mirror to do my makeup, then i remembered the other night i asked ola about his love for me, yes! i had to ask, this days ola doesn't pick my calls and even call me like before, all my plans will be so ruined if ola finds out my secrets, i can't afford to loose him "sammy, i love you and I don't ever want you to doubt my love for you" those words still rings in my head, i was simply satisfied with his answer,  just then i heard a knock on the door, disrupting my thoughts,  i decided to ignore it, but the knocks keeps coming "oh God, who is at the door?" i shouted, standing up, i rushed to put on some robe on, i opened the door with a frown, in front of me is a tall cute guy, he's probably in his late twenties, my eyes roamed around his body 'wow' i murmured silently, my kind of guy! i like what i see smiling sheepishly but then i had to compose  myself  "yes?  Who are you?" i asked still checking him out, he stared at me back in a way driving me crazy 'wow, i feel lost

"Am sorry to disturb you, am Gabriel, the new gateman, Mr Daniels asked me to report here this morning, have actually called him yesterday, he told me he's not gonna be around, but asked me to wait here till evening"

"Oh, i see" was all i could say, i could also see lust in his eyes

"By the way ma'am you look gorgeous" he said slowing closing the gap between us..i love this!

"Really, or are you just pulling my legs" i said sending every body language i can to him, i slowly untied my robe half way, revealing my cleavage

"No ma'am, am very serious its only a blind man that would not see and admire your beauty"

"Call me sam"

"Sam, you are a beautiful woman" he said again sending sparks of heat inside of me.
i dragged him closer, making a way for him, 'wow, he understands what i need, his hands brushed lightly on my left breast as he placed a firing kiss on my lips, i couldn't hold in anymore, right now all that matters to me is Gabriel.
I pushed him inside the living room on the sofa  ensuring that the door is locked.

Hey guys, how's this chapter??
Comments are most welcome, let me know your thought about each chapter, pls do not be silence, i was going to update each chapter pending of votes.. Lol, just joking!
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Next chapter coming!

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