Chapter Eight

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Sammy's pov...

After spending five days at ola's house, i thought its time to get back my girls at least to update them, my biggest achievement would be that i get married to olaolu so as to get his properties and my mission would accomplished if i can give him a child.
I lay on the thinking how i would plus twenty and one to give me fourty, i won't mind getting rid of any obstacles on my way, yes i do love ola but i have got more love for his properties, after listening to his father's conversation, I know i must act fast..
I decided to call kiki my best friend she never gives me the wrong advice..

"Hello babes, guess what?" I said shouting!

"You know i am not good at guessing so just tell me the what's wrong"

"Am back from my trip, i am at ola's place and i am taking you shopping today so get ready!"

"eally?, what time do i meet up with you?"

"Three o'clock at ola's house"

"Isn't he around?"

"Yes  he has left for work"

"But today is Saturday sammy"

"Yes ,he has some contracts to execute today and it's very important"

"Kiki, i need to talk to you it's urgent"

"Really? about what darling?"

" It's about ola, but we can't discuss this on phone, so i need you to get your ass here or else no more shopping" i said teasing her

"Alright sweetie, am super excited right now, you have made my day! Love you baby, i will be there at three o'clock no i will be there at two thirty instead".

"Ok dear bye".


Now i just have to follow whatever kiki says because she has been guiding me all through my relationship since i started ola..
Feeling satisfied with the call i made I stood up to get ready for the shopping, thank God ola has left for work with his friend Collins, i only hope Collins won't become a problem for me in future...


I sincerely do not know what to do, i mean i do not how to get sammy out of my house by weekend, today makes it five days she has been in my house, mum's is coming tomorrow and I do not want mum to meet sammy, I didn't want to get her hopes up, the truth is that I cannot present sammy to mum, apart from the fact that mum would never a person like her, now I know I do not love sammy but I also dont want to break her heart ..."arrgg" I sighed loudly, what do i do i need to act very fast so as not to be filled with regrets, feeling very frustrated I picked up my headphone to listen to music.....

After twenty minutes or so i felt a hand wrapped around my waist as my eyes were still closed i didn't bother to open it, Sammy is back! i think within myself i decided to pretend to be asleep but no she kept on pouring kisses on my face, chest she moved down to my I gave up i opened my eyes only to realize it wasn't Sammy!
"What??? what are you doing?? are you insane"?  I asked very surprised to see her.

Hello guys! How's this chapter,  I know it's short sorry guys...who has olaolu seen? Pls leave your comments n pls do not forget to vote

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