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A year later

You know they say whatever life tosses at you be ready to overcome it, it's not bad to fall but it would be very wrong on your part not to rise again..

I stared at the full length mirror staring at my beautiful face, a tear escaped and fell down, i sniffed quickly  thinking of how it would be splendid to have my parents here with me especially on this day..

Temmy entered the room, and tapped me lightly on my shoulder..
"Come on sweetie, have you been crying?" she said jolting me out of my reverie..i sniffed again trying to wipe it off

"Here, let me else you will ruin your makeup" she said and clean off the tears carefully..

"It's a joyous day, your day..you know you shouldn't be crying.. everything is all in the past now, you don't need to be crying now instead be happy you found a good man and you have people who loves you around you.. darling be happy, life has its ups and downs, shit happens everyday...I want you to forget everything and enjoy today, you deserve to be happy sweetie and you know it"

Temmy is right, i deserve to be happy..

Few minutes later princess came into my dressing room..she complemented my look..mum also entered hugged me and showered me with prayers, fresh tears rolled from my face but I am happy..Happy to be alive after all that had happened

"Its ok dear" Temmy said while cleaning my face up..now its time to out there, "you don't want to keep your groom waiting forever do you?" She said brightening my mood..my makeup was retouched and once again i looked beautiful ready to meet my husband..

Healing is a matter of time, but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity...There is something beautiful about all scars of whatever nature. A scar means the hurt is over, the wound is closed and healed, done with..I know deep down of me this scars will forever remain but am ready to live with it

I took a deep breath, smiled to myself ready to face another beautiful chapter of my life

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