Chapter ELEVEN

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"Hmm, am olaolu Daniel, the first and only son of my parents, my parents are divorced,like you i also have a best friend named Collins, we both work together as we are self employed, we import cars to Nigeria and sell them, I love basketball, and a private life also shade, I have never been married, that's all about me, nothing much. I said letting out a small breath. 

"Oh, good...she said, i could tell she didn't know what else to say,"so shade you said earlier that you are in fourth year studying accounting,which means you are graduating this year, tell me what are your plans for future after graduating?"

"Nothing much,I would love to get a good paying job, work for some years, then get a good husband...that all for now I think.

"Not bad"i said trying to change the topic "enough of me poking into your private affairs. "Its ok she said smiling and then she revealed her white set of teeth.

"Am sorry i have been questioning you, i brought a gift for you and I hope you will like it".. I stretched my hand towards the back set to get the gift, "here, for a beautiful lady you".she smiled again...
"I can't take this, am sorry you shouldn't have really bothered yourself on buying a gift for me" my heart sank.. No no no i have to make her accept this..

"Shade, its ok, its not a stress on my part to get you a gift, Infact its would be very rude of me to come empty handed, besides its nothing just accept this gift from me"..."Alright thank you very much I really appreciate it" she said while I handed the small paper bag to her.
Wow,i felt happy, this girl is well mannered unlike Sammy she would have collected the gift without appreciation and even asked for more
"I would love to go back now, my mother may start looking for me, am sorry i wish I could stay longer than these, once again thanks for coming and this gift"she said

"Its nothing shade,i also appreciate you coming out to see me and I would love to seeing you some other time, so are we friends?" " of course we already are"she said as i placed a small peck on her lovely cheek, God! so soft, i smiled to myself.. She opened the door and left i watched her till she entered her house

My God,am beginning to fall  in love with this girl.

I drove lazily to the club where i and Collins meet regularly, folashade just made my day, there is something about that i girl, and trust me am beginning to fall in love with her, now there's another problem yet to be solved
I want to marry folashade
The question is does she feel the way I feel about her? Is she ready to spend the rest of her life with me?  These questions I asked myself not knowing the answers to it..

Still taking my drink, am left in a state of quandery,then Collins came,"bro, what'sup"
"Am really good, guess who i met with today?"

"Of course, it's the new girl you told me about,i have known you for fifteen years so I can tell..

The barman came, we ordered for our usual and went on back to our discussion.

"Have you told her your feelings" Collins asked with a straight face "no,i didn't, for now we are friends and i don't want to rush things for now, i have to know her likes and dislikes, you know these things with ladies.."

"True bro, but the earlier the better, you have to tell her,am sure she likes you too"..just then while we we're still discussing about shade,Sammy and kiki showed up.

"Hello sweetie",sammy said making her way straight to my face,she kissed me passionately like her life defended on it,but i didn't respond to her kisses.she didn't even say hello to Collins, it was like Collins was invisible  Kiki flashed a fake smile across me I could tell.

"Sweetie, i know you are very much surprise, i knew you would be here so I decided to join you.

Kiki sat next to Collins, we ordered for more drinks and chicken, that was sammy's idea, she such a food person, she ate to her fullest along with her best friend.
After an half an hour we left the bar,  Collins went home straight together with kiki, she insisted that Collins drop her along the way, I and sammy went home straight.

It was 9:30pm when we arrived, the drive was so tiring, sammy kept throwing different questions at me.

"Ola, you didn't give me a reply to everything i asked on the way, is there a problem? don't you love me anymore?"
I wish i could end things right away, i wish i could tell her i don't love her but yet I couldn't break her heart. I looked into her eyes, truth be told, sammy is such a pretty lady with a good body structure... I brushed my hand on my head thinking of what to say to her.

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