A/N: 1Mil Views

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hey, long time no see guys, right?

i know, it must be really shocking to see this story updated even after i completed it.

anyways, i just wanted to say– wow. one million views on this book.

that's insane. literally. like, mind blowing to me.

i've had this book up for years now. i started it back when i was first going into 8th grade.

it's crazy to think that i'm a freshman in college now 😅

though when i do look back on those old one shots from the beginning, i have to say they were.... horrendous.

how the hell did you guys read that and enjoy it? it was written so poorly and it was just honestly cringey. i didn't know how to spell anything and my grammar was awful 😭

ok enough with getting sidetracked. what i wanted to say was... thank you.

thank you for those who read my book and enjoyed it. thank you for taking the time out of your day to read the one shots from this book. thank you for making 8th grade me so happy for every time she got even one vote on her one shots.

i feel like i've grown, not only as a person, but as a writer too in the past five years. a lot's changed, but i wouldn't have been the writer i am today without this story. as... horribly written as it was.

thank you again for reading this story. i feel like i have so much more to say to you all but i can't write it all down into words.

thanks for one million on this book. i wish i could show 8th grade me that it was worth it making this book :)

and btw, just because i'm not writing or updating my books on here as often doesn't mean i'm not on wattpad. i see all of you commenting still 😼

ok, that's all i really had to say. i'm more active on twitter or instagram if you guys wanna talk with me or just see more of my content ! the link to my twt is in my bio if you ever wanna talk to me there :)

see you later, love you guys ❤️

– gigi
otherwise known as

dipper x reader | one-shots ✓Where stories live. Discover now