Love Does Crazy Things Pt 2

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"I was wondering if you'd like to join me on a monster hunt tonight?" Dipper asked, sitting next to me on the step.
I was about to reach the portal, when someone bumped into me. We tumbled on the ground, then all I saw was black.
"This is your fault! You just had to look for that monster! And bring me along!" I yelled.

"My fault?! We wouldn't have been here if you didn't run towards the portal!" Dipper yelled back at me.

"No Dipper! This is your fault! Now we're stuck here! I'm never going to see my family again! We're going to die here!" I yelled.

I fell on my knees to the ground, closing my eyes, letting the tears stream down my face.
"Ellie?!" I called out, standing up.

She wasn't here. I started to walk out of the cave.

"Ellie!" I yelled, hearing birds fly away from a tree.
I then hear a small yelp. My head shot around. I finally noticed something leaning against a tree. I ran towards it, gasping at what it was.

"Ellie!" I yelled, running up to her, kneeling in front of her.

Her leg was torn open, bad scrapes all over her. A puddle of blood around her.
"I-If I don't make it, I j-just want you to k-know, that I.. I l-l-love y-you Dipper." She said.

More tears went down my face. As I was about to say something, her eyes closed.

~•~Dipper POV~•~

Once I was about to get the portal to work, I closed my eyes, and thought of the person who kept me going:


I opened my eyes, and there it was; the portal. I smile grew on my face as I cheered. But then I remember that Ellie was on the verge of maybe dying. I ran over to her, picked her up, and put her on my back. I took a deep breathe, and ran through the portal.


"Mabel! Stan!" I yelled, throwing the door open in the Shack.

Stan was behind the counter counting his money, while Mabel was on the floor playing with Waddles. They looked up at me, then looked at the unconscious Ellie on my back. Mabel gasped, and Stan dropped the money he was holding.

"What did you do kid?!" Stan yelled, walking around the counter over to me.
"Elizabeth!" Mabel yelled.
"We need to take her to the hospital right now!" I yelled.

Stan and Mabel didn't say anything, only nodded. We ran outside towards Stan's car. Mabel and I hoped in the back. I settled Ellie on my lap, not caring about all the blood that was getting on my clothes. Stan slammed on the brakes and we were off.


I waited in the hospital waiting room, worried out of my mind. Mabel was sitting next to me, swaying her legs back in forth in her seat. I had explained to her what happened. About how we were on a monster hunt, the portal, or fight, her getting attacked. Tears formed in my eyes again. I felt a tear roll down my cheek. Mabel placed a hand on my back, moving her hand in circles. I sighed.

"Do you think she'll make it?" I asked Mabel.
"Don't worry bro bro. She's Elizabeth. She can fight anything. She has before." Mabel said, giving me a half smile.


"Doctor, I need to see her!" I yelled.
"Mr. Pines. You can't see her yet." The doctor said to me.
"Is she at least ok?!" I asked.
"She's unconscious and her leg is infected, but overall, she's fine right now." The doctor said calmly, "We need you to go back into the waiting room."

I sighed. I turned around and walked back into the waiting room.


They said that she's fine. She's going to make it. They cured her infected leg, but she was still unconscious. We decided to take her back to the Mystery Shack. We informed her parents about what happened and a told them that's she's alright. Once we reached the Shack, I carried Ellie in my arms bridal style towards the Shack. I brought her to our room and settled her on my bed. I kneeled down next to her on the bed and sighed. I want her to wake up soon. I miss her. I thought that if she didn't make it, she would die angry at me, or her thinking that I was angry at her. I'll explain everything to her when she wakes up. Tell her how sorry I am, about that it was all my fault, about how I love her.


A few hours have passed and I stayed by Ellie's side the whole time, listening to Mabel fangirl about it too.

~•~Elizabeth POV~•~

I opened my eyes. I looked around the room. How did I get in the Mystery Shack. I sat up slowly from the bed I was laying on. It was Dipper's bed. I looked down and saw Dipper too. He was kneeling down next to the bed. He had his arms crossed and he was resting his head on them, sleeping. I laughed a little. I started to shake him.

"Dipper?" I whispered.

He shot up right away.


He paused when he looked at me. His eyes looked watery as he smiled. He pulled me into a tight hug. I hug him back. It felt just as nice as when he cuddled up next to me in the other dimension. I felt him cry on my shoulder. I rubbed my hand on his back.

"It's ok Dipper. It's all over." I said.

He let go of me.

"Ellie! This was all my fault! I should have never asked you to come with me! I should have never yelled at you! I'm so, so sorry!" He said.

More tears went down his face.

"I-I thought I lost you." He mumbled.

I placed my hand on his cheek.

"It's ok." I whispered.

He placed his hand on my hand that was on his cheek.

"Ellie?" He asked me.
"Yes Dipper?"
"I-I love you too." He said.

I smiled at him.

"I would have told you before, b-but I didn't have the guts." He said laughing a little.

I laughed too, a tear going down my cheek. I pulled him towards me and smashed my lips on his. He kissed me back. When we leaned back, our foreheads were touching.

"Love does crazy things to us, ya know." Dipper said.

I smiled and kissed him again.

Yes! Finished! Thank you again @MusicFear for this idea!


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