Cooking Together

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Published - Nov 23rd, 2017, 11:58pm

Happy Thanksgiving!🦃

(yes i realize how short this is shHh)

You and Dipper's Age: 16

3rd POV

Thanksgiving day is the holiday most people look forward to; the day where you stuff your face with delicious turkey, mashed potatoes, golden corn on the comb, delicious stuffing, and crimson red yam— and don't forget about the sweet pumpkin pie.

You and your boyfriend Dipper were both preparing the delicious feast in the kitchen, mostly because if you two didn't do it, Mabel would. And you both know how Mabel makes her food, especially that very... unique fruit punch she made you try. You're pretty sure she had plastic dinosaurs in it. 

At the moment, Dipper had just placed the turkey in the oven, slightly jamming out to the music that you had put on to entertain the two of you. You were looking at a recipe on your phone on how to make stuffing. You currently were using your hands to mix the ingredients around, since it would be much harder to mix the stuffing with just a spoon. You were silently mumbling the words to the song that was playing as you were mixing the stuffing when you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist. Your face flushed red as you tried laughing it off, "Dipper, what are you doing? I'm trying to cook."

"What? Am I not allowed to hug my girlfriend?"

"Not while she's trying to cook, no."

Dipper starts placing soft butterfly kisses along the side of your neck, causing you to tense up slightly and laugh more at him, "Dipstick stop! That tickles!" He smiles against your neck, continuing to kiss you.

Starting to have enough of the affection, mostly because you had stuffing of your hands, you tried to squirm out of his grip. When he wouldn't let go, you had the idea of wiping some of the stuffing on the side of his face. As soon as you did this, he froze completely, before slipping away from you. You faced him, giggling at his face that was covered in half stuffing, "Did you just..?" He asked, but a small smile started to tug at his lips.

You laugh again, and you lean forward to bring your lips to his stuffing covered cheek. You lick a strand of the stuffing off, causing his whole face to go red. You smiled innocently at him after, "Damn, I'm a great cook. That stuffing is good."

He chuckled at you, his face still red from blushing, "You, my friend, have just started a food war."

You were about to question what he had said, but when you turnt to face him once again, he had a spoonful of grave in his hand. His finger pulled back on the edge of the metal spoon and he flung the warm substance towards you. It splatters on your face and sweater that Mabel had stitched for you. Your mouth drops open and you glance down at yourself, Dipper starting to laugh hysterically at your expression.

But the cold look you shot back at him made him shut up right away. You grabbed the nearest spoon and scooped some mashed potatoes out, then flung it at Dipper. It landed on the opposite side of his face, some of it getting in his hair and dripping onto the floor. He had shut his eyes, his lips in a straight line, which caused you to laugh hysterically now.

Not too long after, the two of you started World War lll with just food. That is until both Dipper's grunkles walked in on you two, "What the heck is going on in here?!" Stan yelled at both of you. You both froze in the positions you were in, covered in what was supposed to be thanksgiving dinner. Ford shook his head at the two of you, chuckling softly. Stan had a frustrated look on his face.

"Uh... I can explain." Dipper started.

"You know what? I don't care. Get the heck out of my kitchen now and get yourselves cleaned up! I'll have a talk with both of you later. Better you get out now before you ruin something that I have to pay for." Stan grumbles, walking passed the two to start cleaning up.

You and Dipper start leaving the room quickly, "He's not really that mad at you, don't worry. We'll clean up the mess and finish cooking dinner. You two go wash up and relax before we all eat, okay?" Ford said to the two of you calmly.

You and Dipper nodded your heads at him, before continuing to leave. You both start to laugh together, smiles on both your faces.

Although you two may have ruined dinner for everyone that night, it was still going to be a day you'll both remember~



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