Two Different Universes

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Credit to UnaverageAlex for the idea!

You and Dipper's Age: 14

~•~Your POV~•~

Dipper, Mabel, and I were hanging outside of the Shack. Stan had kicked us out of the Shack cause Mabel broke one of the merchandises. He's now in a grumpy mood. Mabel and I were running around while Dipper sat on the steps of the Shack.

"Dip! Come and join us!" Mabel yelled.
"No thanks, running is not my thing." He said.

I chuckled a bit.

"Your lose." I said.

Mabel and I continued to run more, but then out of no where, a portal appeared in front of us. Mabel stopped right in her tracks, making me crash into her and falling to the ground. First a girl jumped through the portal. She had long blonde hair, a super cute outfit, blue eyes, two pink hearts on her cheeks, a devil headband, a wand in one hand, and the other with sparkling scissors. She looked over at us and her smile grew super big.

"Hi!" She said with lots of energy.

She's perfect for Mabel. Then, a boy came through the portal with worry on his face. He had dark brown hair, a red hoodie, black pants, sneakers, and brown eyes.

"Star! What do you think you're-"

He paused when he saw us. Mabel and I were still in awe staring at them. And I was still on the ground.

"Star, this isn't our house." The boy said.
"Yeah... But this place looks sooooo much better!" Star yelled.
"Hi!" Mabel said.

Star looked at Mabel.

"Hi! I'm Star! This guy is Marco." Star yelled.

Marco gave a small wave. He looked over at me.

"Star, did you knock over this girl?" Marco asked.
"No, it wasn't her fault. It was hers." I said, motioning Mabel.

"Here, let me help." Marco said, putting his hand out.

I looked at his hand, but grabbed it. He pulled me up and we ended up looking at each other, then blushing and looking away.

"Oh my gosh! We have to introduce you guys to Dipper! Come on!" Mabel yelled, grabbing Star's hand and running over to Dipper.

"Uh, sorry about Mabel." I said to Marco.
"It's fine. Her and Star are like perfect for each other." Marco said, smiling.

I chuckled and we walked over to them.

"Dipper! Dipper! Look who we found!" Mabel yelled, jumping up and down.

"You found a boy and a girl our age?" Dipper asked, kinda sarcastically sounding excited.

"Even. Better!" Star said, "I'm Star Butterfly! I'm a magical princess, from another demention!" Star said, waving her wand in the air.

I looked at Marco.

"Is that true?" I asked.

He nodded.

"Wait, did you say magical?" Dipper asked.
"Omg you're a princess?!" Mabel yelled, running in front if Star.

"Ok, guys, calm down." I said, stepping in front of Star.

"And this is Marco Daiz, master of ka-ra-te." Star said, pushing Marco toward us, saying the word 'karate' in a funny way.

"Uh, hey." He said, "It's true, Star actually is a princess from another demonsion, but I'm obviously not."

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