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*Ignore the mistakes and wrong grammar, english isn't my first language.


The both male looked at their side, Jimin immediately let go of Taemins arm as he saw his alpha, "H-Hyung" Yoongi clench his fisted, Jimin felt dizzy as Yoongi released his pheromones.

Yoongi hurriedly walk towards the omega grabbing his arm so tight receiving a wince on the omega, "Yoongi your hur-" Yoongi shoot a glared at the other alpha, "Don't you dare touch him."

"H-H-Hyung..." Yoongi hold him tight, "I-It's h-hurt" Taemin held the omegas wrist and with that Yoongi lost his control, he let go of the omegas arm and Immediately throw his fist across the other alphas face.(A/N omo sorry Taemin-ssi saranghae)

"Ohmy...T-Taemin hyung.....Y-Y-Yoongi..." Jimin held his alphas arm trying to stop him, "I fucking said that don't touch my omega!" Jimin hugged Yoongi preventing to come close at Taemin, "Y-Y-Yoongi hyung....c-calm down"

"He is my friend Yoon-" "I DON'T FUCKING CARE! STAY.AWAY.TAEMIN. I'm warning you!" Yoongi held Jimins wrist dragging him inside their house.


"Ahh hyung...y-y-your" Yoongi keep on dragging the omega until they both went inside their room, he harshly let go of the omegas arm and glared at him.

Jimin slowly looked up, feeling his tears streaming down his cheeks, Yoongis eyes turned red, Jimin held his chest as his nostrils hit Yoongis scent.

I make him angry, my chest, it's hurt

"H-H-hyung I-I-" Jimin flinched as Yoongi growls, "Fuck! Where do you think your going!" Jimin step back as Yoongi shouted, his eyes were bright red staring at him, "H-H-Hyung w-we're just g-going for...a l-l-lunch" Yoongi walk closer and grabbed his both arms, "And not letting me know it huh Jimin!"

Jimin wince in pain, he closed his eyes not wanting to stare at those red eyes, "You don't even tell me your fucking going out, and it's fucking alpha Jimin!" Jimins body trembling, he was so scared, but he know Yoongi won't hurt him, especially he was caring their pups.

"Y-Y-Yoongi...please i-it's hurt..l-let me go...I'm s-sorry" Yoongi grip tighten thinking that if he never decided to go home he will never know that his omega will go out with that alpha, he was jealous, extremely jealous, what make him more pissed that Taemins scented Jimin, his omega was smelled like Taemin.

Yoongis sight went black, he pulled Jimin closer and suddenly attacked his neck, he bite it earning a wince to the omega. He don't know what he's doing, his inner wolf taking control of him.

Jimin held on the olders arms, his knees wobbles, tears keep on falling down on his cheeks, "Hmp, ahh....h-h-hyung" as Yoongi pulled away, he looked straight at the omega, he already can't smell Taemins scent, but his eyes were still bright red.

Jimin was crying holding on the olders arm for support, the omega looked up meeting the alphas red eyes, "I-I'm s-sorry....hyung ah" Yoongi gritted his teeth. Jimin slowly lean closer at the alpha but then he stop when he suddenly felt his belly ache.

"AHHHHH!" Jimin let go of Yoongis arm, the alpha got startled and immediately held the omegas waist, "J-Jimin?" Jimin closed his eyes feeling his belly hurt worsen, "H-HYU-AHHHHH"

"Fuck, l-love wha-I-I'm sorry-shit" Yoongi eyes turned back at black, he carefully carry Jimin and went down, "AHHH-Y-Y-Yoon-hmmm" Yoongi placed Jimin at the back seat of his car, "L-Love breath, w-we're going to the hospital"


"The baby is fine also the mother, I suggested not to stress the mother so the baby won't affect and I notice that he was eating unhealthy foods try to make it balance." Yoongi nodded, "Call me if theres something you need" Yoongi looked at her, "Thank you"

Yoongi went inside Jimins room, seeing him sleeping peacefully, but his nose and eyes were still red due of crying, he slowly walked towards him and take a seat, "I'm so sorry love" he brushed the omegas hair, he held his hand and kissed the back of it, "I'm such an idiot"

Yoongi caress the omegas belly, "Hey bub, appa is sorry, I hurt your eomma and you try to stop me too right?" He mumbles while caressing Jimins belly.

"I'm really sorry I won't do it again bub, I love you both" He lean on and kissed his omegas belly, Yoongi looked up at Jimin and caress his cheeks, "I love you" he wisphered, he lean closer and kissed his forehead.


The sun went down and Jimin slowly woke up, he blinked until his vision become clearly, he saw white ceiling and a machines beeping.

He looked around and his gazed went on the alpha, he was uncomfortable sleeping on the chair, he keep staring at the alpha and a smile plastered on his face. Seeing how Yoongi pouted while sleeping make his heart go wild.

As Yoongi open his eyes he immediately check on Jimin, his eyes widen and hurriedly walk towards the omega, "L-Love your awake" he caress his cheeks staring down on the omega, "Hyung are you okay?" Jimin held the alphas hand, " I'm the one who should asked that, are you okay? Do you feel pain? Should I call a nurse, a doctor? Tell me"

Jimin giggled, "I'm fine hyung, how was our pup?" Yoongi hold the omegas hands and plant kisses on it, "Our baby is fine" Jimin slightly smile, "Hyung...I'm sorry"Yoongi stared at his omega, "No love, I'm sorry, I shouldn't do that, i-it's just t-that...I got j-jealous"

Yoongi avoid the omegas eyes, "Specially when I smell his scent on you, my inner wolf take control of me....I-I should control my self love...I-I'm really s-sorry" Jimin tearly looked at Yoongi, he make Yoongi looked up at him and hold his cheeks, "N-No hyung it's my fault, I should asked you first"

" don't cry...I hate it when your crying please" Yoongi wiped away Jimins tears, "Please stop it love...It's not your fault okay? Stop crying our pup might get affect" Yoongi said while staring at the omegas eyes.

Jimin sniffed and nodded, "I love you" Yoongi wispher, Jimin immediately blushed, "Am I not receiving I love you too?" Yoongi smiled, "I-I live you too" he mumble.

Fuck, why he's so fucking cute, ugh my heart

Yoongi leaned closer and give Jimins a peck on his lips, Jimin gasped, eyes wide open looking at the alpha who's smiling widely at him, "H-H-Hyung" he said covering his lips, "What? I just can't resist your pouty lips love" He again try to kiss him when Jimin pushed his face, "H-Hyung stoooop...." he glared.

"Love don't glare at me or else I kissed you here non stop" Jimin lips parted, "Y-Y-You pervert!" Yoongi laughed, "Don't laughed at me, buy me a food" he crossed his arms and glared, the alpha sweetly smile, "What you want?"


How are you fellas? Hope you'll are fine and healthy😊 stay safe and wear mask.

How are you fellas? Hope you'll are fine and healthy😊 stay safe and wear mask

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