Chapter 33: Apple Juice Is Better

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"I'm sorry." He says.

My ears perk up at his apology. One that I didn't even have to ask for. One that he didn't even have to say. My eyes accidentally wander to him, but I luckily stop them before they get to his face. And instead, they planted him on his hand.

Specifically the one I stabbed.

It's wrapped up in a bandage, but it looks fine. He still managed to hold me still when he knocked me out with chloroform.

I can't accept his apology. It would go against every bone in my body. But that doesn't mean I don't want to. I feel compelled to forgive him. I'm not one to hold a grudge, but then again I've never been kidnapped.

I nod my head, neither accepting or denying his apology.

"We will be arriving in Osaka in ten hours, so i suggest getting some rest." He says as he leans back in his chair, making himself comfortable.

I don't think I'll be able to properly rest as long as he is staring at me.

My stomach growls loudly, and I notice the small smile creeping up on Matteo's face. "Hungry?" He asks.

I nod my head once again.

He presses a button on the inside arm rest of his chair and within a minute, a flight attendant walks out with a menu in her hand.

"Good afternoon Sir." She says as she hands the menu to him and I. "This afternoon our specials are beef tenderloin with roast vegetables and carbonara."

Matteo looks at me expectantly, and I realise he wants me to choose. "Carbonara." I say.

Carbonara is one of my favourite foods. Mum always used to make it back in Australia. Her recipe was the best as she said she had learnt from Dad how to make it, back when they lived in Italy together.

"Make that two." Matteo says.

"Any drinks?" The flight attendant asks.

I look down at my menu seeing the array of different alcohols, all the expensive kind. As much as getting drunks has its perks, I'm really not in the mood.

Matteo asks for a glass of red wine, while I ask for orange juice.

Matteo gives me a funny look as the flight attendant walks away. "Orange juice?" He questions.

I roll my eyes. He's kidnapped me, drugged me, and is dragging me to Japan, and now he's judging my choice of drink? Who does he think he is?

I look away.  "Apple juice is better." He says.

"No it's not." I mumble back without thinking.

I can almost feel the smirk that appears on his face.

Within fifteen minutes the food appears and my mouth begins to salivate. The smell is heavenly, and I want nothing more than to savour every bite. I begin digging in with my fork, and the flavours of home instantly make me home-sick.

Of course it's not as good as the one Mu makes, but it's a good enough substitute for the time being.

"Good?" Matteo asks as he watches me eat.

I nod.

"Carbonara is one of my favourite dishes. Back when I was a child in Italy, I would refuse to eat anything else."

I look up at him as I slurp some of the pasta into my mouth.

I feel strange at his proclamation. Why is he telling me this? I continue eating, and ignore his attempt at conversation. If we talk, that means i'll get to know him, which can lead to a number of possibilities, none of which i want to entertain.

I don't want to know who Matteo is. I don't want to know his likes or dislikes. I don't want to know his goals or aspirations.

I want him to remain the terrible person that I have envisioned inside my head.

Once I'm finished, I take a swig of my orange juice, looking outside the window. The sun has begun to set and now the sky is a mix of pinks and oranges. It's beautiful.

I look down at the deep blue ocean beneath us. It reminds me of just how big this world is. Just how far away from home I am.

"You need to sleep." Matteo says as he stands.

I look up into his eyes. His face is once again a blank slate, devoid of any and all emotion. "Once we get to Osaka, I expect answers."

I look at him puzzled. Answers? Answers to what?

He notices my confusion, and his face darkens as if he's recalling something horrible.

"Don't think I've forgotten about your little slip up."

With that, he walks away, leaving me to my thoughts.

Hey Guys!
I'm so sorry I didn't post last night! To make it up to you all, I'll be posting twice today!
Hope you enjoyed!

His Light, Her DarknessHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin