Chapter 19

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I moved out of a second floor window to avoid anyone, including Sicherheit, and escaped from the base to head back to a safe zone. After a lot of walking, and running, and more walking, I made it back and went inside. Monika was sitting at a table talking with Sicherheit and I just walked right by because I knew she would he angry at me for everything I had done in the last week.

Monika POV

Y/N kept his mask on when he came inside which was unusual and I couldn't find him anywhere in the base after a few minutes so I went to Coded.

Monika: Wo ist Y / N? (Where's Y/N?)

Coded didn't know and Y/N's phone was in the living quarters so we just had to wait. I went to walk around and look for him when an idea hit me: the roof. I found Y/N nowhere, not even on the roof, so I just went to the area that was ours in the barracks. I started thinking about this war and the casualties it would cause, but then remembered Y/N had killed Putin. Will his death stop this? Germany is corrupt, but are they really? Were they faking it? Y/N's phone started to ring and I saw it was Jessica so I answered it.

Monika: Hey.

Jessica: Oh, hey. Is Y/N there?

Monika: He's at base somewhere, but I can't find him. He pulled some crazy shit and hasn't been acting right since he got back.

Jessica: I heard that you guys left Team Rainbow Six.

Monika: Yeah, it's not the place for us. I prefer a smaller team, you get to know everyone on a personal level and it's better for the team morale.

Jessica: What exactly did he do?

Monika: Surrendered to the Russians, was MIA for a week, and then activated Operation Executive Takedown. The man killed Vladimir Putin.

Jessica: They probably fucked with his head.

Monika: When I find him, I'm going to talk to him.

Jessica: Hold on, air raid sirens.

Monika: What?

Jessica: They're going off. My parents.

Monika: Jessica, they'll be fine. Just get to a shelter.

Jessica: No, I'm going to find them.

Jessica hung up and I flipped the news on.

Reporter: Berlin is at threat for a nuclear strike after Vladimir Putin was killed by Y/N "Versuchen" L/N of Sicherheit PMC. The city is under evacuation and the GSG9 has been called to assist disaster relief. The Untied States is now on high alert after a projectile was detected in their air space. The projectile ended up being a ballistic missile that was intercepted by satellite defense systems. The United Kingdom is now evacuating London after a nuclear threat from Russia. L/N made a statement to us and has asked us to relay it. "IQ, du wirst mir nicht vergeben. Ich höre ein für alle Mal auf. (IQ, you won't forgive me. I'm stopping this once and for all.)"

I zoned the news out when my radio lit up.

Y/N: Monika, you aren't going to forgive me for this. I'm stopping this. If I die, just know that I love you. I'm doing this for you, Sicherheit, my family, and everyone in the world. I'm going to redirect the launch coordinates for the nukes. I'm likely to die. Coded, you know the drill. Everyone, Coded is being temporarily promoted to Field Captain.

Coded: Yes, sir. Sicherheit, lock and load. Be ready for transport.

The lines went silent and I started to tear up since I could lose Y/N. Why didn't he just have us help?

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