Chapter 10

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Versuchen: There's one more test before we leave.

Monika: What is it?

Versuchen: Follow me.

It was the trust test that was favored by the GIGN. I put the trauma plate on and handed the revolver to Monika.

Monika: No. Y/N, I can't.

Versuchen: Just shoot.

Monika: No.

Versuchen: Close your eyes.

Monika closed her eyes.

Versuchen: Now pull the trigger.

Monika slowly squeezed the trigger and the bullet hit the plate while I didn't even flinch. She hugged me after coming over and I patted her on the back.

Versuchen: See? Not that bad.

Monika: Not that fun.

We left the building still in uniform and got some looks while some people took pictures. I was messaged by Riese who had a question.

Riese: Hey, uh. Did you just recruit a new member?

Versuchen: You know her. It's Monika.

Riese: Like your girlfriend? That Monika?

Versuchen: Yeah. What other Monika do we both know?

Riese: I don't know.

I put my phone back in my pocket and saw a white van up the street with some "normal" people in the back. They were quite weird. Very weird. Extremely. Very extremely very weird, but we ignored them and walked back home.

Jessica: What did I miss?

Monika: Me joining Sicherheit.

Jessica: Alright, what the fuck?

My radio screen lit up as I heard Six.

Six: Versuchen, IQ. We need you back here immediately. White Masks attacked Bartlett University.

Versuchen: Send Jager.

Six: He's already on the way. Get packed up.

The radio channel went silent and we grabbed our stuff as fast as possible.

Jessica: Hey, come back soon.

Versuchen: We will. Good luck on your tests.

We got to the airport and got through security as fast as possible as Jager landed.

Jager: Come on, we've got to go.

When we arrived to Bartlett, there was five Operators and all of Sicherheit which was very popular for the news channels to talk about. We kept watch and I saw a shadow move near one of the ventilated tents holding the survivors so I notified Watcher who quickly fired two shots.

Watcher: He's down.

Versuchen: Copy.

Watcher: I got another one.

Watcher popped another shot and confirmed the kill. With all of us and the police there, no more hostiles tried anything. The next day, White Masks tried a head on assault. We were gunning them down and Watcher was taking as many as possible out. I heard a feminine scream and looked over to see Monika fall to the ground. I ran over and dragged her to cover. She was hit in the leg and hip so I called Doc over to help me.

Versuchen: You'll be ok, Monika.

Monika: Son of a bitch.

Doc: We need to get her to the tents.

Doc and I dragged Monika back to the tents and got her injuries to stop bleeding after getting the bullets out. I hesitantly went back out to fight and threw a drone into the group of White Masks. It was quickly shot and the area was turned to a mist of blood. With all the White Masks either dead or injured, only Sicherheit advanced forward as we were desensitized to my drone. Any White Masks who were still alive were shot and I was covered in blood. With a smoke cloud still there, we emerged from it and the other operators were still shocked. I walked to the medical tent that was set up and sat down next to Monika.

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