Chapter 14

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After winning the first battle of the war, our allies high morale which encouraged them to try more... Especially after the gas. All the troops were being outfitted with gas masks and were sent out. We had some conversations while driving about our time in Team Rainbow Six.

US Marine: So you're telling me that you nearly killed Team Rainbow Six's doctor?

Versuchen: Yep.

Monika: I can confirm.

Riese: I over heard it happen.

US Marine: And you're wanted in England now?

SAS: I can confirm that.

Coded: Versuchen, schau richtig. (Versuchen, look right.)

I looked right to see a Russian squad in the bushes.

Versuchen: RPG!

The vehicle in front of us was hit and a stream a gas followed the canister through the air. We got our masks on in time and dove from our vehicle before it could be hit.

US Command POV

Versuchen: RPG!

Was the last thing I heard over the radio before one of the squads went silent.

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