Riese Bio

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Name: Oswald Zellweger.

Nickname: Riese.

Organization: Sicherheit.

Date of Birth: December 3rd (Age 26).

Place of Birth: Munich, Germany.

Height: 2.33 meters.

Weight: 130 kilograms.

Family: Status Unknown.


"The weather is nice up here. Too bad you won't experience it."

Oswald "Riese" Zellweger, the only member of Sicherheit who didn't know Y/N "Versuchen" L/N before joining, is also the only person apart from the other members to pass the physical and marksmanship exams first and secure a place on Sicherheit.

Psychological Report

Oswald "Riese" Zellweger is an abnormally large man who exceeds the statistically normal range of height measuring in at 2.33 meters. Zellweger has become the second most known member of Sicherheit behind L/N, mainly known for his size.



Silenced Mark 23:

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Silenced Mark 23:

Silenced Mark 23:

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Gadget: Sonic pulse that stuns anyone struck by it for several seconds

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Gadget: Sonic pulse that stuns anyone struck by it for several seconds.


Insignia: Unknown

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Insignia: Unknown.

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