Chapter 7

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GSG9 Team One: Wir haben die Kontrolle verloren! (We've lost control!)

GSG9 Command: Team Zwei, antworten Sie auf den Standort des Teams. (Team Two, respond to team one's location!)

GSG9 Team Two: Hinterhalt! Sen-  *Explosion followed with static* (Ambush! Sen-)

GSG9 Command: Team Zwei, Bericht- *Static* (Team Two, report-)

GSG9 Team One: Wurden- *Several explosions cut off by static* (We're-)

Still trapped under the rubble, I heard chunks of it being moved off of me when my face was revealed.

Rescue 1: Here! There's someone!)

Monika: Where?!

Rescue 2: Over here! A German!

Large pieces of the fallen Louvre were yanked off of me when I started to get pulled from the wreckage. I was taken care of by field medics and transported to a hospital where they operated on me. My team was let in the room afterwards and Monika was the first to come in. Unexpectedly, she hugged me and I hugged back since there was an adorable German hugging me.

Monika: How do you feel?

Versuchen: Not the best. Getting crushed by a building does that to you.

Monika: They're only allowing knew visitor at a time so I'll let Sicherheit get in. I need to talk to you when we get to base.

Versuchen: Ok.

*Timeskip 5 days*

Arriving to Hereford Base, I got to my dorm and sat down next to Monika.

Versuchen: What did you need to talk to me about?

Monika: I'm honest, and the honest always tell the truth even when they don't want to...... I-I uh... I like...

Versuchen: Me?

Monika: Yes.

Versuchen: you're not kidding with me?

Monika: 100% serious.

Versuchen: I feel the same way, Monika.

Monika: Can I hug you?

Versuchen: Any time.

Monika and I had a very long hug before letting go of each other.

Monika: I'm just happy that you feel the same.

Versuchen: I have since I met you.

Monika: That's good to know... Cuddle?

Versuchen: Come here, then.

Monika: I am in need of warmth.

Versuchen: Get over here then.

Monika practically nose dived onto me and put her arms around my neck.  I put my arms around her back and Monika relaxed.

Monika: You're warm.

Versuchen: How are you so cold?

Monika: Because I am, I don't know.

Versuchen: I'll warm you up.

Monika: I'm still cold.

Versuchen: Go to sleep.

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